Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
Coping: The Coming Bummer
Religious leader David Wilkerson made headlines he posted an urgent message on his blog that said (in part):
I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world.
For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.
There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (v. 3).
Today, he's got some further thoughts posted, but the point of mentioning his post is that I get a really uncomfortable feeling when such diverse inputs as a religious leader and predictive linguistics start to line up on the period just ahead. From now through say 2013/2014.
Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
"Every movement needs to have a bowel movement every now and then" (Leonard Westburg c. 1991)
Sad, very sad. Very sick mind.
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. Galatians 5:13-15 (NIV)
Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
Originally Posted by iceniez
We say we have the truth,we don't warn anyone of anything ,[ I do and it seems nobody listens. I just get wierd stares,even from those in church.] It bothers me.My pastor teaches that there are no prophets now,Is this a prevailing doctraine in the Apostolic Church?
Your pastor is wrong on this. Very wrong.
Ask him where he finds that in scripture.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
Originally Posted by Timmy
You got scripture that proves there are prophets today, in 2009?
I was taught the same thing in an Apostolic (UPC endorsed) Bible College half a century ago. The teaching was that God gave the offices of Ephesians 4:11 (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher) but two ceased at the end of the first century and the other 3 continue until today. I'm not trying to be argumentative but it is my understanding that Ephesians 4:11 lists the offices.
Then verse 12 gives their purpose as being for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry (serving) for the edifying (building up) of the body of Christ. Then verse 13 tells us how long we'll need those offices. In my opinion they will be needed until the church reaches perfection (in other words till we're raptured). I think Paul sorta said the same thing in 1 Corinthians 13 where he says we look into a brass mirror and see a dim reflection, our knowledge is incomplete, our prophesies are incomplete in this life time but when perfection/rapture comes all this stuff that is temporary and incomplete will be over.
I believe the church IS perfect in God's sight right now (that's our position), that as long as we live we will be growing and developing in perfection (that's our practice or practical growth), and some day we will be immortal and incorruptible (that's our potential).
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
Originally Posted by iceniez
For one 1 Cor 12:28 States God Set them in the Church,and since the Church is still here so must the Prophets.
As a dispensationalist, it is my opinion that the church will be here until it is raptured out and until we leave we have the same message and same gifting all through this church age.
Re: Urgent- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devotiona
Originally Posted by pelathais
Well on this one, yes, as a matter of fact. This was a rule in Bible College and was enforced with the oddest kinds of threats and intimidation.
I know of several UPC and Apostolic churches nearby that have this kind of rule and the attending atmosphere of intimidation and control. No offense, but you must not be familiar with the Apostolic Faith movement if this one comes as a surprise.
Forgive me Pelathais, I thought you were long gone from the UPCI?
I didnt know you were still "a part".
and did these groups speak of these things in terms of their teaching/rules or was it (as you pointed out in your post I took exception to) a matter of prophetic utterance?
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Attention- From David Wilkerson's Daily Devoti
Originally Posted by Sam
As a dispensationalist, it is my opinion that the church will be here until it is raptured out and until we leave we have the same message and same gifting all through this church age.
Agreed,At least that is what I thought I was conveying.