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Old 12-11-2008, 01:27 PM
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Re: 17 Kids and Counting

Originally Posted by Traci View Post
Amen, Sis Falla.

My Mom had 3 children but one was born when she was 41 and I was 16. There was a point when my sis was a baby that I had to take care of her because my mom was put on 2nd shift and yes I did resent it sometimes and it did help me see that I did not want to put myself in a position as a teenager that I could have one of my own and I did not have my 1st till I was 25 because I knew how much work it was and I also learned about responsibility of another human being. I would not trade my experience for the world and I love my sister who is now 24. I now have a 14 year old who is experiencing what it is like to have a 3 1/2 yr old special needs sister and a 9 mo old baby brother. I don't ask him to do a lot but it is good for him to help a little, he now understands about babies and the responsiblities that come with them. I think it is good for teens to see outside of themselves. I don't want to offend either...

Dearest Traci,

I read on another thread "http://apostolicfriendsforum.com/showthread.php?t=20851,
where you responded to Crakjak concerning "Coventry", the ministry for special needs

Crakjak is my blood brother. He and his wife have a special needs son, 37 or 38 yrs.
old. Coventry was born out of the needs of their own son, Anthony.

They have three younger adult children. There is such a closeness among their
children. Such patience and love toward their elder brother. If there is
an ounce of resentment or displeasure, you certainly don't see a trace of it.
Just love and closeness. Also respect for their parents. They have helped
with Anthony and because of it is possibly why his only sister is training to be
a nurse.

It seems sometimes when we are faced with life's difficulties, there is that
opportunity to become bitter, as if we had been singled out. But God has a
definite plan for each of us. Our reaction to the "wheel" or the means in which
HE refines us, if resisted, can leave us bitter, instead of better. It is our re-
action to this molding and making of us that determines the outcome.

I love the song Sis.Joan Ewing wrote and her husband, Bro. Murrell
sings so beautifully.

"I Pray That Jesus Is All They Will See".

Write on the parchment of my soul today,
A message that you'd wish my life to say.
I'm weary with my way, it's Your's I must find,
So mold me and bend me, not my will but Thine.


Create in me, Your image, O, Lord,
Let me be all You've dreamed I could be.
And when You have finished with Your work in me,
I pray that Jesus is all they will see.

Often I've reached for this world and it's gain,
Each time to find out, it brought only pain.
I've finally found that Your way, Lord, is best,
And with the learning, has come peace and rest.

I have read that the process of purification of silver/gold is complete
when the purifier can see his reflection in the finished product (process).


Falla39 (Crakjak's elder sister!)
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Old 12-11-2008, 01:30 PM
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Re: 17 Kids and Counting

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
That's fine, I know that people have very differing opinion on this issues, I just stated mine. I personally don't think that teaching responsibility is accomplished by making my child/children do my job.

Part of my problem also lies in watching a friend of mine right now waste away from severe postpartum depression. She is still be convinced after having 4 children back to back that having another child will make her happy. All the while, the four beautiful baby girls that she already has are not getting the attention they need from her. She is convinced that because she came from a large family, she is somehow less if she doesn't continue having children, despite how her husband feels on the subject.
I agree that she is someone to be concerned about regarding having many children.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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Old 12-11-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: 17 Kids and Counting

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post
I do know one thing for sure, there was a lot pressure put on their women to have a lot of kids . Cindy who lived next to us was so happy when she got to number seven, said at last I can stop, have my tubes tied! The Bishops decide how many kids each couple will have during the Temple marriage, while placing their hands on you while standing behind a curtain that has gaps to allow a hand through, norm was seven kids at best.
That is spiritual abuse.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:38 PM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
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Re: 17 Kids and Counting

Our mother came from a large family and Dad only had a brother and sister. My husband
had a brother and sister and one year after we married, his mother had another baby boy.

I am the eldest daughter of the eleven, having one older brother. Being the eldest daughter
I had more responsibility than the younger. Don't ever recall feeling like I was mistreated,
unloved, etc. I don't remember thinking anything about having responsibility. It has been a
blessing when I had my own children.

We raised 6 children (three of each), all adults with their own families now Our eldest daug-
ter and husband have five fine sons, the two eldest sons are licensed ministers. We are a
very close family and love each other very much! I didn't run out of LOVE from helping with
my siblings and then having our children. Love begets more love.

I love my siblings and they know it! And they love me. It's kind of like the Bible saying, "Let
he that will have friends, show himself friendly". If we want to be loved, let us show Love!

A minister came and preached one night. He said some people do things because they know
it's the thing to do. Then there are those who do things because of who/what they are!

I am very excited for I have a very nice Christmas gift for each of my sibling's family.
and also for each of our six adult children's families. Jesus said it right, "It is more blessed
(rewarding) to give than to receive". Where did He got that idea!!! From His Father, who
SO LOVED that He gave JESUS to us". We could never outgive God! Our eldest daughter
sang so beautifully Sunday, "The Best Gift of All is Jesus", and He is here to stay. He lasts!!

Blessings to all,

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Old 12-11-2008, 03:27 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: 17 Kids and Counting

Me and my wife are looking forward to having our first Christmas ALONE this year!

NO kids in the house -other then a couple of the four legged variety.
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