Originally Posted by stmatthew
Just trying to make it more colorful.
This thread moved beyond that when several began speaking about how they would attend a church but not give to said church because they didn't like the org the church was part of. My post addressed that mentality.
As to voting membership, if you are not willing to sign a membership agreement, why should you expect to be able to vote in the club you refuse to join? That's like me saying I want to vote for the next president of the local Lions Club, but I don't want to join the Lions Club and be a member in good standing.
I am very encouraged by this post.
Maybe, just maybe, this is a glimmer of hope that word 'church' we use so often is beginning to be replaced with the more appropriate term 'club'.
Clubs are not inherently bad, but a distributed 'club of clubs' is not God's deployment approach to his building of a house --without man's hands!
Clubs (should) serve the purposes of those who are its members. Members of the club have a reasonable expectation to support the club operations from which they benefit.
The shared experience is maintained by a fidelity statement to the founder's expectations (establishing premise) for club. I have no problem here either....just so long as we all plainly acknowledge what we have here is ----A CLUB.
Clubs have a function and service within the Kingdom(s) of men.
God's church is not a club. God's church, his habitation, is a body.