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Old 09-15-2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Is it right to refuse prayer?

Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl View Post
Well, usually you can tell if someone is saying they will pray for you and they genuinely mean they will pray for you, they are rooting for you and will go to God on your behalf...

And when someone is being judgmental or condescending.

I admit I used to refuse prayer by some and would tell them so.

I realized that some people mean well but simply do NOT know how to pray for your situation. They do not know what is needed to help you. So they just say I will pray for you. I don't take offense to that, neither do I think one should.


Those times when you are in confrontation or something, and someone says they will pray for you, in a condescending way, I find it best now to not address them.

Saying, "I don't need your stinking rotten prayers" will only add fuel to the fire. The person saying that is not hearing you no how and they feel they are in a position to pray you out of something.

Now, the catch is to determine if they really CAN pray you to another level of understanding and revelation.

If so, just eat humble pie and let them pray.

But if they are steeped in spiritual or religious pride and no matter what you say they are under the impression they are 'superior,' then let them be, too.

Even if they 'pray' for you, only God's will for your life will prosper and manifest anyways, right?

God knows how to make your enemies your footstool.

I have seen Him do it time and time again....

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Old 09-15-2008, 12:53 PM
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Re: Is it right to refuse prayer?


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Old 09-15-2008, 01:03 PM
Michlow Michlow is offline
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Re: Is it right to refuse prayer?

I never offer to pray for people. I actually do this as a kindness. I am still conflicted about the area of prayer, and whether or not it accomplishes anything. I think that people deserve more than my "Oh, and God if you're listening...can you fix such-n-such for so-n-so."

Even in my own life, with all the stress that I have right now. I don't pray for myself. My Divorce (which is amicable) is nevertheless stressful do my MIL who is the most spiteful vindictive woman I have ever known. Even though all the chaos that she is bringing into my life, I find that all I can ask God is for Him to give her peace.
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:38 PM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Is it right to refuse prayer?

hey sometimes god even hears the prayers of heathens, so if you want to pray for me, get on with it, sinner or saint i covet your prayers, i am not ashamed to admit i need Jesus always, so go ahead and pray for me if you can remember too, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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