Originally Posted by stmatthew
That is all good. The forum has moved to a less "traditional Apostolic" structure where things that traditional Apostolics hold dear is allowed to be put down as not important. It is just the way it is. I think the owner/admin team is doing a fine job. I do not necessarily agree with the direction, but by my own choice it is no longer my call.
The people who make up the "character" of the forum have made decisions. The forum hasn't changed other than allowing more freedom to post. There are forums who exert FAR more control than AFF. Many people of the more conservative "flavor" like the control due to their philosophy of ministry.
Some people don't like freedom just like some countries of the world don't like America because of the freedom we have. Once again, freedom is a good thing, but it can be abused by those who enjoy it. Apostolics (Ac. 2:38 people) should love freedom and the opportunity to discuss whatever it is they choose. Many of them can't do that in their churches for fear of repercussions. That is why AFF is a safe place for them. Yes, it is a place where traditional and non-traditional things can be discussed and even challenged. Some do view that as being put down.
Once again, there are forums where you can't even join unless you talk right and spit white! But for those who love freedom on both sides of "aisle" AFF is a good place and all are welcome!