Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Like the woman breaking the box and pouring the costly ointment on Jesus feet then drying his feet with her hair? Judas thought that was a waste also?
What purpose could that serve do you suppose it was geared emotionally?
but thats just it brother.... it did have purpose.. it was pure reverential and all about Jesus worship......
How you could draw a parallel between this and Pentecostalism is not understood...... the video I displayed earlier shows people "out of control" of their own senses and their own bodies as if they are overtaken and posessed in such a way that they do not have the ability to control themselves...
Isn't this what happened to the young man who could not control his own body and kept throwing himself in the fire? He was just overtaken.. wasnt he? I just do not see the Spirit of God posessing someone to the point that the persons literal health is in peril of being hurt........ it just shows no purpose in worship.... rather than something you are giving to God.. this seems to be something that has been given to the shouter and they cant control it