Originally Posted by Encryptus
Then your Hypothetical is really irrelevant.
Suppose he hears the gospel for the first time on the plane and does repent.
It explodes, so according to you he spends eternity burning anyway.
(No place to get immersed on the plane)
Really you are too much.
Originally Posted by 1Corinth2v4
I have enough faith to believe God will keep his plane from exploding, and will allow him to complete the CORRECT process.
He who began a good work in you will perfect it!
I love it, The MAGIC Airplane. That's even better than holy hair.
Have you considered filing a suit with Columbia Law School and Urshan Seminary?
Not sure which is worse the theology or the attempts at logic....
Someone who repents CANNOT be killed under any circumstances before they have a chance to be baptized.
Final answer?