Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
It embarrasses me.
And it has the potential to hurt my family, my ministry and my church.
It's a guilt by association thing
How so?? I really would like to know how it could
hurt your family & church. LS preached about it a long time ago
here. I don't think anyone even hardly remembers it.
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by StMark
FERD, who said it was mandatory?? that every woman
MUST use this magic method???
Sis Freeman has done It I heard it with my own ears
is she promoting false doctrine.
I can't believe you think that flipping snakes around and
drinking poison in church is the same as a woman
praying with hair
Mark, I never said anything negative about a woman praying with her hair. lets be clear.
doctrine is really just a fancy word for teaching. the doctrine or the teaching, takes focus off of God and onto the womans hair as a source of power. GOD is the ONLY source of power that any of us have!
There may be a fine line in here somewhere but it seems to me that either that line has been crossed or some have gotten so close that it has caused confusion.
We had best get some serious clairification as to exactly what is being said and taught. or we will end up in the ditch over false doctrine and I am firmly convicted of that.
I have heard Brother Urshan teach something along these lines maybe 20 years ago or so. maybe longer ago than that, but I dont think what he was teaching constituted what is evolving around us now.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Yes, it's hurting you. You can't be spiritual or protected unless you get married to a woman who doesn't cut her hair, and preferably one who has never cut her hair. Otherwise, too bad, your ministry is just not what it could be, and if a problem comes up, you don't have a wife to help you solve the problem.
I don't believe that for one minute. I doubt there are
VERY FEW people who fall for that
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
There are very harmful effects in the mind of female believers that Mark chooses either to ignore because of his affinities or has not examined them ...
Nor can the effect of teaching religious performance over genuine obedience has in the heart of the believer and their walk in Christ ... be ignored. It can lead to a spiritual desert in which our sanctification that no longer relies on the washing of the Word and the flow of God's Spirit but in ritual.
It can potentially frustrate believers who may believe only one aspect of their walk will move God and not tending to all He desires from us. And what happens when the answer to our petitions is no? This may in effect lead to a lady cutting her hair because of an unfavorable outcome.
We've heard stories of young ladies who are sexually promiscuous but take pride that atleast they have maintained their glory ... their sign of holiness ... not cutting their hair.
This distorts the entire premise ... of everything they've been taught.
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by StMark
How so?? I really would like to know how it could
hurt your family & church. LS preached about it a long time ago
here. I don't think anyone even hardly remembers it.
It might not affect any of us amoung ourselves, but the people outside this movement get wind of this it drive them away from this movement.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
The is NO such thing as a Baptist NT Christian. That is pure fiction.
They comprise more, e.g., they live by more NT principles, than Apostolic women do. That is my point. They stay home with their children, they respect their husbands, they do good works, they fast, pray and spend time in the Word of God on a regular basis. Soft-spoken & kind.
Yet an Apostolic woman can neglect home and hearth, read the Bible only when the pastor is reading his text, pray once a week, neglect her children, scream at her husband, be rude to the clerk at the grocery story, and otherwise act like a heathen, BUT if she doesn't cut her hair, she's the source of glory for the whole church?
I'm just saying that the imbalanced teaching is showing, and its showing up in young women. Young women who balk at the idea of staying home with their children all day, because they "won't have anything to do."
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Re: When Will A Respected and Influential Leader S
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
They comprise more, e.g., they live by more NT principles, than Apostolic women do. That is my point. They stay home with their children, they respect their husbands, they do good works, they fast, pray and spend time in the Word of God on a regular basis. Soft-spoken & kind.
Yet an Apostolic woman can neglect home and hearth, read the Bible only when the pastor is reading his text, pray once a week, neglect her children, scream at her husband, be rude to the clerk at the grocery story, and otherwise act like a heathen, BUT if she doesn't cut her hair, she's the source of glory for the whole church?
I'm just saying that the imbalanced teaching is showing, and its showing up in young women. Young women who balk at the idea of staying home with their children all day, because they "won't have anything to do."
MissB is on a role today. Banging out great posts!
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.