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Old 03-19-2007, 05:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
TV or not TV that is the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 03-19-2007, 05:53 PM
Whole Hearted Whole Hearted is offline
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I haven't gotten by book but I sure hope I get one.
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Old 03-19-2007, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
Pastor Poster posted 56% and I thought that was high. Who is suggesting a 79% in favor number?

BOOMM...I was merely throwing out a number for discussion sake. Not as an actual number. You can flip it to the other side...and the point I was making is still the same.
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Old 03-19-2007, 06:27 PM
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Where can I get my hands on that book.Is it for sell to Non-UPCI folks?
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
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Old 03-19-2007, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
Just because something is "modern" doesn't mean it's good. I suppose that you are going to divorce your wife soon and ride around on your Harley without a shirt because it's hip and cool, right?

PS - I have Amish near me too and I would much prefer to spend a sunday afternoon on the farm with them, than drinking moderately and watching Titans football on a big screen with you. But hey, Enjoy the 21st century!
I can't afford a Harley!!!! It is a Honda VTX1300R

I would not inflict the corneal damage that would result in anybody having to look at me ride my bike topless. However I do swim with swim trunks and a T shirt. Would not wear a T Shirt if not fat.

I enjoy riding in the country AND watching Titans football on the big screen.
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Old 03-19-2007, 06:36 PM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Originally Posted by Whole Hearted View Post
I haven't gotten by book but I sure hope I get one.
I just wish they would put it on the internet so's all us non-upcer's sitting on the edge of our seat waiting with baited breath for the outcome of resolution 6 could read. OK, maybe not all that baited. And maybe not actually on the edge of the seat, but juked back with the laptop casually flipping through The Theological Dictionary Bro Ensey put together while casually browsing this thread.
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Old 03-19-2007, 06:48 PM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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To order the book:

Mail $8.00 (includes s/h) to:

Peter F. Connell
112 Heritage Ct.
Oakley, CA 94561

Make checks payable to:
Cornerstone Pentecostal Church
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Old 03-19-2007, 07:53 PM
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Bro. Atkinson,

I agree with your sentiments! If they really want to get the message out rather than just make some bucks from book sales they should put it on the internet in pdf form for all to download and read.

BTW - I think eight bucks seems an awful lot for a thin 50 page book. Hmmmm.....

I thought this was some kind of propaganda piece being sent out gratis.
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Old 03-19-2007, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Just a Shepherd View Post
I read the book and didn't find many false arguments. No more than were in this post of yours.
Well feel free to present the arguments...I was only responding to what you had posted so far

I didn't assume anything. The times really have very little to do with it. The early church dealt with a proliferation of false religions also. (See Acts 17:22). People haven't changed that much since the early days and the fact remains that the commands of Jesus to go forth were not meant as mandates for church marketing. Your supposition that "many" are "unreceptive." Is a poor reason to abandon personal evangelism in favor of TV advertising.
Sure it was a mandate for church marketing....what do you think we do when we give testimonies to sinners of what Jesus has done or can do? What different does it make if you do the same thing THEY did via Television or Radio? Are you against Radio?

Second of all I wonder if you realize how illogical your thinking is...you just resorted to a strawman argument...you said "Is a poor reason to abandon personal evangelism"...but I never advocated abandoning personal evangelism. In fact I made the argument that we would and should still do it just as Trinitarians still do it.

Lastly you make yet another assertion but not an argument. It's one thing to say make a statement you believe is true and another to show HOW that statement is true. That sums up your post that I responded to. No facts, though you said "facts"...no arguments. Just assertions

First of all, people who live in gated communities also go the grocery store, the dry cleaners, and the gas stations. They work in public, shop in public, and live in public. We don't need TV to reach them. I'm sure once we get on TV, Saudia Arabia will welcome our TV networks with open arms. Earth to Praxeas...
Hey, if we had hundreds of workers in EVERY store and gas station waiting ot witness to someone that would be willing to stop and speak to a stranger sure....but clearly we don't

BTW TBN broadcasts via Satellite in Muslim nations. It's not a matter of what that government does not want to allow. We also broadcast radio signals into many of those same nations...earth to Just a Shepherd....how do you propose we go there? Im waiting for valid arguments against using TV and so far you have presented no arguments or facts....just assertions

No - the reasons against TV are primarily because of the type of medium that TV is (one way communications) and the statement of approval (of the medium) that televangelism would make to the members of the church.
So what if it is one way communication? when someone is preaching it's usually one guy preaching to others that are listening...what about radio?

What statement would televangelism make to any church? That they don't have to witness anymore? You should come to our area...the Trinitarians preach on the street corners and pass out tracts...this despite them being on TV..And what is it about TV being one way communication that means we should NOT be on TV? Once again you are just giving assertions and not arguments or facts

The issue at hand is not whether or not to use any medium, but whether to use TV. Letters? You are comparing TV to letters? Lol!
I raised the issue of letters to point out that in bible days NOT everything was a face to face personal preaching....they wrote letters for others to read. That was to counter your assertion that the early church only used the personal method of evangelism and did not use anything else...my point was they didn't HAVE anything else other than letter writing which they did

You didn't read my assertion very well. I suggested that the use of televangelism would cause some to falsely believe that they were carrying out the Great Commission by broadcasting a service or playing a TV ad. making it more difficult to get people engaged in personal evangelism.
Yes...but that is the point. All you did was assert and suggest. That is all you have done so far, Assert and suggest. I am waiting for the arguments and facts that validate your assertions and suggestions.

I mean look...some of your assertions sound good....but the question is are they true? Have you thought about this critically yourself? Has allowing broadcasting services on radio made it more difficult to get people engaged personally? Has allowing churchs to have websites that advertise the gospel caused that too? If you say yes then I'd like to see how you validate that other than just a hunch.

I don't know where you live, but most places in the country, you cannot watch kiddie porn in a library.
I didn't say you can watch kiddie porn in the library. I said you can watch PORNOGRAPHY in the library despite there being kids there.
Do a google search and you will find a lot of info on it.

No one is suggesting that we don't reach TV watchers. We reach them everyday by meeting them and sharing the gospel face to face.
How about radio? Tracts at the Dr's office? Newspaper advertisements? Internet advertisements???

Well if your definition of TV is a plastic box with wires then I can understand why you don't get it.
Television. Yes it's a box full of electrical circuits designed to receive a signal and display it on a screen.

They are usually the ones that don't have any desire to be a TV star, so they won't get much airtime. The funny men, the watch how crude I can be, and the "rock star" preachers will gravitate to the cameras. Of course this is purely speculation on my part having once been in the world and watching religious programming like TBN while stoned and laughing at the stupidity of it with my friends.
There are tons of other religious progamming NOT associated with TBN. Those same individuals can still gravitate towards stardom anyways. If they are really that desparate for attention they will just leave the UPC and go on TV anyways. Allowing simple advertisement on TV is not going to change that

Take a hike? That's a good answer. How bout you take a hike?
I thought it was a good answer...considering that you are the one that says he wants to distance himself from the UPC...why should I take a hike when Im not wanting to distance myself from the UPC?

Showing the world some of our worldly kids at Youth Congress or some of the rock star wannabes that pass for musicians these days will make me want to distance myself from the UPC even further.
I just did but you apparently are still clueless.
No, you did not "just did"...you made assertions and suggestions. Apparently you are clueless as to the difference between an assertion and an argument
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Old 03-19-2007, 09:11 PM
Just a Shepherd Just a Shepherd is offline
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Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
Bro. Atkinson,

I agree with your sentiments! If they really want to get the message out rather than just make some bucks from book sales they should put it on the internet in pdf form for all to download and read.

BTW - I think eight bucks seems an awful lot for a thin 50 page book. Hmmmm.....

I thought this was some kind of propaganda piece being sent out gratis.
It is being sent out free to the ministerial fellowship. It is eight dollars for additional copies and that is not unreasonable considering shipping costs are included. When publishing a small quantity of books the printing costs are much higher than with bestsellers. For you that's about two cups of your socialite coffee indulgences. Not a bad trade off if you ask me.
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