Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
You mean, the ones that didn't exist until 1945??
Mam. With all due respect, I just appreciate an old time Apostolic preacher man. I guess I'm kinda nostolgic for some things the way they were. I liked mom's home made fried chicken smothered in gravy. Modern things are nice and make life a lot easier, but give me that ole time religion, it's good enough for me. It seems a lot of folks got hurt by some one or something that concerned the old time church ways. But people get hurt in the modern way of churchin too.
...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by bkstokes
Dear Sir
I do not diminish any of the fundamental doctrines of the NT church. Nevertheless, I am determined to know only Christ and Him Crucified. I think if one does such a thing he or she is in good company.
Thank you for your kind reply.
...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by robert
Mam. With all due respect, I just appreciate an old time Apostolic preacher man. I guess I'm kinda nostolgic for some things the way they were. I liked mom's home made fried chicken smothered in gravy. Modern things are nice and make life a lot easier, but give me that ole time religion, it's good enough for me. It seems a lot of folks got hurt by some one or something that concerned the old time church ways. But people get hurt in the modern way of churchin too.
Just as many, or more, people get hurt in the modern churches. But in another 50 years, will the current Church be considered the "Old Way"? Or will it still be the 40's-50's brand?
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Just as many, or more, people get hurt in the modern churches. But in another 50 years, will the current Church be considered the "Old Way"? Or will it still be the 40's-50's brand?
You know what RandyWayne sometimes I think I've woke up in the twilight zone. I wonder what Jesus thinks of all the different ways man has interpretted his word. Surely He never intended for so much controversy, even though He knew it would happen. God must be getting ready to wrap things up. I'm so confused with all the opinions and differences of beliefs, I don't know up from down. I truly wished I could figure it all out. But who do you believe and who do you follow. I'm following Jesus to best of my ability, but it seems every one wants to show us the way. I'm sorry I was harsh with you on some of my post, I just get frustrated. If the church gets any more liberal will it even really be God's church any more?
...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free...
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by Dan'D
The Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to keep?
The WPF is keeping with the idea that we should keep our Holiness Standards we have kept over the years. Which I agree, Yes things change but do we?
I was referring to Outward appearance.
We leave important things out ,the Bible does say something about obeying our pastor. Beyond that I realize there are some things that don’t make sense, Colored shirts, Red shoes etc.
But most all of our standards, we have heard preached for the last 50 years have good foundation. There is sound thinking behind most. For something to be a standard I don’t believe it must be spelled out word for word in the Bible. That is our way of making excuses for ourselves because we don’t want to abide by standards. It should not be left to each and every person to decide for themselves.
If we get to the place we think we don’t need rules that’s when the insane runs the mental institution. If you think you are to good for rules then you need them most.
There are reasons to have some rules: Nail Polish, Fake nails, Makeup of any type, Cutting of women’s hair, a Man having long hair, Even facial hair, Tight clothing, Skirts to the knee and no split above, Shorts of any type including knee shorts, Wigs or toupee, Jewelry men or women, Short sleeves men and women, Cleavage man or women, worldly music, TV, Bowling Alleys.
Where world you draw the line for your children?
Where would you draw the line?
A pastor looks after us like we look after our children.
There a good book about this called “What a Difference a Line makes”
Would a backslider recognize your church?
Last edited by Dan'D; 02-25-2008 at 10:52 PM.
Reason: to correct
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by robert
Mam. With all due respect, I just appreciate an old time Apostolic preacher man. I guess I'm kinda nostolgic for some things the way they were. I liked mom's home made fried chicken smothered in gravy. Modern things are nice and make life a lot easier, but give me that ole time religion, it's good enough for me. It seems a lot of folks got hurt by some one or something that concerned the old time church ways. But people get hurt in the modern way of churchin too.
Do you honestly think that the 'old time way' you speak of is old fashioned or modern compared to the Bible ways? Seriously.
Did the 'old time Apostolic preacher man' speak about 'old time Apostolic preacher men' before say, 1920?
You call them the old landmarks. What were those landmarks called in 1930?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by robert
You know what RandyWayne sometimes I think I've woke up in the twilight zone. I wonder what Jesus thinks of all the different ways man has interpretted his word. Surely He never intended for so much controversy, even though He knew it would happen. God must be getting ready to wrap things up. I'm so confused with all the opinions and differences of beliefs, I don't know up from down. I truly wished I could figure it all out. But who do you believe and who do you follow. I'm following Jesus to best of my ability, but it seems every one wants to show us the way. I'm sorry I was harsh with you on some of my post, I just get frustrated. If the church gets any more liberal will it even really be God's church any more?
Straight is the gate and narrow the way, right?
So, what matters we get there or that we get there at all?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Re: Old way of Holiness Standard do we need to kee
Originally Posted by robert
Seriously, I should have kept my thoughts to Whole Hearted to myself or PM'd I guess. No offense intended to you...seriously.
Robert, can you just answer the questions? I'm not offended at your statements, but it's irritating when someone asks questions and they aren't answered or avoided, know what I mean?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!