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Old 07-31-2008, 05:52 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Buddy I can tell you stories that would either curl your hair or straighten it or even better curl straighten and then make it all fall OUT! Oh wait...Curl it straighten it curl it again make it all fall out and then grow right back in again!

Its a wonder I'm still Apostolic! (Well I love Jesus thats the only thing that keeps me going) I have tons of stories to tell and have only begun to tell them! And each one is more entertaining than the last!
Somebody already beat you to the hair falling out deal. I'm just a few years from having to surrender and go Pastor Poster. I'm still Apostolic because fortunately those wild stories are not really prevalent, however they can be entertaining.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 07-31-2008, 05:52 PM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Does anyone have any idea of what size following he has or how many people actually subscribe to his beliefs. Better yet, is anyone on AFF affiliated with him?

I drove by there years ago with a neighbouring pastor friend under cover of night and it looked like the buiilding they were in at that time was about the size of a single wide trailer. My eyes could have been playing tricks on me because I heard from some one else they had a new building and then I thought he moved up north but who knows . Hes definitely a loose cannon ball ricocheting around cyber space with his enemies list, Was a little surprised to see Old Bernie Wade on there, (The wall of shame) what devilment has he gotten himself into THIS TIME!? I would probably be up there but was wise enough to post under an alias...one can not be too careful there's sharks in the water!
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Old 07-31-2008, 05:53 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
I drove by there years ago with a neighbouring pastor friend under cover of night and it looked like the buiilding they were in at that time was about the size of a single wide trailer. My eyes could have been playing tricks on me because I heard from some one else they had a new building and then I thought he moved up north but who knows . Hes definitely a loose cannon ball ricocheting around cyber space with his enemies list, Was a little surprised to see Old Bernie Wade on there, (The wall of shame) what devilment has he gotten himself into THIS TIME!? I would probably be up there but was wise engough to post under an alias...one can not be too careful there's sharks in the water!
Well, the picture of the new headquarters building they were discussing on his website did seem to be about that size. I just wasn't sure if that was representative of his global appeal.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 07-31-2008, 05:55 PM
TCSQ TCSQ is offline
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Somebody already beat you to the hair falling out deal. I'm just a few years from having to surrender and go Pastor Poster. I'm still Apostolic because fortunately those wild stories are not really prevalent, however they can be entertaining.

Yeah, you're right its just the squeaky wheel gets the grease you know?
I have a friend that has a message prepared about the man who was the greatest failure in the New Testament, Its great hope he preaches it some day, but some of the men we read about in the epistles, if we would pay attention to what they are writing about make the AFF stuff look like playdough stuff! Its true what Jesus said OFFENSES SHALL COME! But if we keep our lives hid in Christ then we may be peeved but not really OFFENDED,
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Old 07-31-2008, 06:03 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Yeah, you're right its just the squeaky wheel gets the grease you know?
I have a friend that has a message prepared about the man who was the greatest failure in the New Testament, Its great hope he preaches it some day, but some of the men we read about in the epistles, if we would pay attention to what they are writing about make the AFF stuff look like playdough stuff! Its true what Jesus said OFFENSES SHALL COME! But if we keep our lives hid in Christ then we may be peeved but not really OFFENDED,
That is true. One of my issues is that if we can't handle conflicts with other Apostolics, how equipped are we to handle real conflict with the devil and the world.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 01-17-2020, 10:20 AM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by TCSQ View Post
Rechart...Cohen Rechart How do you solve a problem like Maria, I mean Cohen?

This man is certifiably nuts, but deceivingly nice in person.

First of all switched his name from being Gary to Cohen which means a priest (from the family of Aaron) I wondered then and wonder now if he is intimating that HE is the heir to the Aaronic Priesthood (Or for a better term...The IRONIC Priesthood).

First time I met Mr Man was at Thanksgiving in Tennessee.

I had been preaching for a Pastor there and he had invited me to stick around that week for Thanksgiving dinner with his family. They went to a debate in Alabama the day before where they crossed paths with Mr. Grand Poobah himself and not knowing anything about him asked him if he was from that area. When he said no he was just up from Alabama for the debate said Pastor invited him and family to come to Tennessee (About 60 miles from the Alabama site where the debate had been held) and join us for Thanksgiving the next day.

Well the whole afternoon is etched in my memory just like it was yesterday on a weirdness rating of 1 to 10 I have to give it a 20! (or in California police code a 51/50)

He was so humble and soft spoken. In the course of conversation before dinner he tells me he puts out his own Magazine "The Shout"...would I like to see a copy...he has some in his car. So to be polite I said "Sure" (Bad move)

He goes out to the car and brings in a stack of what can only have weighed at least a good ten pounds, all laid out pretty good graphically speaking, and so I look at the cover of the one and lo and behold there is a doctored photo of "POPE URSHAN" with his face wearing a papal tiara. (I didnt know they wore those at headquarters...did you?)

Anyway the magazine headlines got loonier and loonier (I love to use that word and it is so fitting here believe me!)

Finally I come across one that says ..."If you have been baptized in Jesus Name in either an ALJC IMA ACI UPC PAW or PCAF church you MUST be baptized again as those groups have joined Babylon the Great the Mother of Harlots!"

Wow ... So I says to Rechart...Rechart I says... "If you cant be baptized in Jesus Name in THESE churches WHERE COULD YOU be baptized??? (Wait for it wait for it) He says...well you could always come to MY church!

Then I said you mean to tell me that having come to God from Catholicism, having believed and understood the message of remission of sins in the name of Jesus Christ, and having had unwavering FAITH in the power and efficacy of that name and the one who bore it to remit my sins that my baptism is not valid? To which he replied well for YOU I can tell its valid but the majority of others...NOPE! They need to be baptized by a REAL preacher

Just then we get the DINNER" call...get up go out to the dining room, whereupon I am seated next to SISTER Rechart... (Coheness I imagine...) And while things are being brought to the table, she is sitting next to me and turns to me and utters the very first words she has spoken in my hearing that whole afternoon... "You know MY husband has the ONLY TRUE APOSTOLIC CHURCH in the state of Florida!!!" To which thinking she was joking I replied "Oh yeah...RIGHT!" Deeply offended she spits out to me "IT'S TRUE!"

His HIgh and HOly Cohenhood jumps in to save the day "Well not the ONLY one but they are so few and far between down there."

I am wondering if it is something they have in the drinking water in the St. Petersburg/Tampa area because I had a similarly (well not really this was MUCH more acidic vitriolic and just down KOOKY sustained run in with another guy from the area) a Mike Palevo who gives new meaning to the Kill em all let God sort em out mentality of some of our own dear brethren!

Rechart is a man all would do WELL to steer clear of. In the years following the initial meeting with him I watched his magazine and noticed how he would keep a list of "Churches in Fellowship" with him in the magazine and how the circle that NEVER was very big to start with four or five at best, kept getting whittled down as he would go off on some tirade with the guy whose church just the month before had been the greatest thing since sliced bread.

So now that I am closing I want to throw in a curve ball on this thread Do any of you know whatever happened to his Nemesis MIKE PALEVO?
Interesting what you find going through old threads.
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Old 01-20-2020, 07:04 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Interesting what you find going through old threads.
Is he still in Chattanooga?
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Old 01-21-2020, 09:17 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again


EB, you're on the "Wall of Shame!" So is TK Burk and Blume.
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Old 01-21-2020, 05:22 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by n david View Post

EB, you're on the "Wall of Shame!" So is TK Burk and Blume.
You just noticed that now?

“Burn the Boats!!!” — Hernan Cortes
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Old 01-21-2020, 06:09 PM
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Re: Reckhart Blast the UPC again

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Interesting what you find going through old threads.
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