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09-17-2019, 09:15 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Ed Crawford and Matte Crawford were PAW missionaries to Palestine in 1926. They lived in Indianapolis from 1923-1926. GT Haywood signed a letter of recommendation as part of their passport applcation.
The letterhead of the PAW lists the 1926 elders.
Baker, Oregon City, OR
Douglas, Louisville, KY
Herbert Davis, Leavenworth, KS
Jameson, Cleveland, OH
Fred Poole, Visalia, CA
S.C. McClain, Ft. Smith, AR
W. E. Kidson, Louisiana, MO
O.D. Sheriff, Chicago, IL
A.D. Urshan, St. Paul, MN
James Frush, Newark, OH
C.R. Wilkers, Boston, MA
Earl D. Hill, Centralia, IL
Jas. Shinn, Walnut springs, TX
Baggett, Le Blanc, LA
Joseph Turpin, Baltimore, MD
E. J. Douglas, Beacon, TN
W. E. Booth Clibborn, St. Paul, MN
D. Chenault, San Antonio, TX
The online document was difficult to read, so some name are not possible to read. But all the last names and locations are readable.
09-18-2019, 10:02 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Interesting. I did not know Bro. Baker's church in Oregon City, Oregon was PAW. It still exists and, last I knew, is pastored by a descendant of one of the pillars of the congregation when Bro. Baker was there, the original Stanley Gleason. From him comes the current large and influential Gleason family. The longtime UPCI work in another part of Oregon City has also been pastored for the last forty plus years by Bro. Gary Gleason, another descendant of the original Stanley Gleason.
When I attended Conqueror's Bible College in Portland, Oregon back in the late '70s, there was a PAW congregation there but it had nothing to do with Bro. Baker's old work. I liked their pastor, Bro. T.R. Brown. They said T.R. stood for Tender & Romantic with his wife, but Tough & Rough on the devil!
Last edited by derAlte; 09-18-2019 at 10:06 AM.
11-25-2019, 06:41 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Captain Harry Morse and wife assisted by Peter Eckland will take charge of the Peniel Mission 19 East Main street this evening Rev C W Welts who has been in charge for the last eight months has been transferred to the Penial Mission at Santa Cruz.
A few new old newspaper collections came online and so the hunt, and hopefully, end of the Harry Morse biography will come to an end.
I did not have online access to any Stockton, Ca newspapers from 1900-1950. Now I do and so some missing pieces of data will hopefully fall into place.
11-27-2019, 09:38 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
I just put together a history of the first 10 years of the Stockton Peniel Mission. It is not complete, but it is far more data than I had last week. Soon I will be able to put together a similar history of the Fresno Peniel Mission.
Looks like MR Tatman, Andrew Urshan and Smith Wigglesworth all had revivals at the Pentecostal Mission in Stockton.
Very interesting.
12-02-2019, 06:20 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
6/27/1917 (Stockton Daily Evening Record, p. 7) LODI OFFICE STOCKTON RECORD June 27 The camp meeting people have succeeded in getting into court here on account of the noise in connection with their religious service. Monday night when the meeting had progressed to a point where the shouts and cries had disturbed the neighborhood near their place of worship, according to W M Amos he went down town after Night Officer M Kiser, who accompanied him to the meeting being conducted by William E Booth- Clibborn a relative of General Booth of the Salvation Army. Shortly after the officer left Booth-Clibborn visited the home of Amos to ask about his visit and the two men had a regular "Billy Sunday” fist fight in which Amos received several scratches and the reverend ditto according to Amos. Tuesday morning Amos swore out a warrant for the arrest of the minister charging disturbance of the peace The warrant was given to Officer H T jMjers to serve and the minister was soon in Justice Solkmores court, where he pleaded not guilty and asked a delay until Thursday when he will have a trial.
12-05-2019, 05:03 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Oakland Tribune 10/3/1917
The meetings at the Pentecostal Mission at Ninth and Franklin have not perhaps, been brought before the people much In the past two year during the pastorate of Rev. Harry Morse, yet it is a branch of religious work doing much good. These open-air meetings are held regularly at Broadway and Ninth streets. The meeting In the hall are aggressive and full of fervor. All grade of people find salvation in these meetings. Some wonderful cases of healing are reported, too. The work is self supporting. Anything done for people is done free of charge. These varlous branches of the Pentecostal movement have been in this site for over ten years. The public Is cordially Invited. The meetings are free to all.
12-06-2019, 04:47 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Herbert Buffum was an evangelist and songwriter who also was a friend of Harry Morse. Like Morse, he had roots in the Volunteers of America and the Peniel Mission.
Following is one account of a service at a Peniel Mission in the year 1900.
There is another boy preacher in town. He is holding meetings at the "Holiness Hall" on West Colorado street every afternoon and evening, and is getting up considerable steam. He is Evangelist Buffum, who has labored in Los Angeles and other Southern California cities a short, lender, fair-haired youth of about twenty years. ' As one of his admirers here puts it, "he is a great Holy Ghost man." He resorts to shouting and laughing and Jumping about and sometimes seems to be in an ecstacy of religious excitement. "Everybody cut loose tonight!" he said in the beginning of his services this evening. "I read in the paper this morning that we were boiling over so we must boil tonight and not disappoint those who may come to see us. All. cut loose!"
All cut loose!" - "Amen! Bless the Lord!" shouted the members of the congregation, with smiling faces. The Holiness people seek to avoid sedateness in their meetings. They give their testimonials laughing, and the boy preacher tonight began his prayer with laughter. They say they are so happified by the Holy Ghost that they laugh all over. After the singing of a number of hymns, accompanied with the clapping of hands and waving of arms, testimonials were called for, and many of them were given. "Bless the Lord, I'm wholly sanctified!" that was the burden of most of them. The Holiness people profess entire sanctification, or freedom from sin. "Saved, sanctified and healed!" was one woman's testimony. "Good!" exclaimed the boy evangelist. "We've healed quite a number of people here since we started these meetings. Some people who wore glasses when we began don't have to wear them now!"
The unique feature of the service was tho season of special prayer. The evangelist asked that special requests be made, and they were forthcoming. Prayers were asked for "two young men, constant companions, who come to these meetings;" for "an elderly gentleman who comes here every night" for "a young woman who is under conviction," etc. Then all the members of the band knelt on the bare board floor, while the evangelist led in prayer. "Oh. Jesus! we're dead in love with you tonight, we are!" were his opening words. He shouted invocations at the top of his voice. He uttered supplications for all the people who had been mentioned, prayed that the brethren and sisters might "cut loose," and the Holy Spirit might "have the right of way." He alternated between toughter and agony. He brought his forehead down to the floor and not only wrestle but writhed in prayer. Through it all, the members of the band kept up a solemn obligations of amens. hallelujahs and "bless the Lords," their shouts sometimes drowning those of the leader. Their earnestness was something tremendous. The prayer closed with a chorus of triumph.
Evangelist Buffum spoke for three-quarters of an hour in explanation of the creed of the Holiness Church. They assert that Christ is either "a complete Savior or a fraud;" that if a sinner is saved at all, he is saved from all pin, hence their claim of sanctification The evangelist explained that a man never reaches the point where he can say he can't sin; but if he "walks In the light," the blood of Christ cleanseth him from all sin he won't sin, he Is dead to sin. The meeting closed with the system of personal appeals by workers in the congregation common to revivals.
12-06-2019, 09:33 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Many of the early Pentecostals, including Oneness Pentecostals were members of the Peniel Mission movement before Azusa Street. But there are no books with the history of the Peniel Mission.
Today, I gathered articles about the Bakersfield Peniel Mission from it's beginning until 1907.
I'm not sure why some Peniel workers became Pentecostal and others did not.
12-11-2019, 12:12 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Thanks to the Los Angeles Evening Express, I found more data about the Andrew Urshan revivals in Los Angeles.
1907-1911 Urshan pastors in Chicago.
1917 Urshan is in San Francisco for 3 months.
1918 Feburary, Urshan begins revival in Los Angeles. He is at the Ice Palace for 3 months and then relocates to Arroyo Seco campground for around 6 weeks.
1919 Urshan has last services in May. He claims to have divine revelation about Mt. 28:19.
1920 Urshan is on the evangelistic road with stops in Portland, Oregon, and Winnipeg, Canada.
01-03-2020, 02:28 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?
Ralph Reynolds, a Canadian Oneness Pentecostal wrote an autobiography. Now it is out of print.
Eventually, it will show up and I will read it to see if there is any useful data about Harry Morse, Madison Tatman or Mattie Crawford.
It would be nice if only a few old Pentecostal history books remained in print.
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