What I think you should do is, cut down every tree in your yard and burn it.
It could lead to temptation. Just having trees in your yard maybe too much of temptation to give into Baal worship.
I think we should all remove any possible evil and temptation
I never thought of that!!! But what about all the other foliage? I could move to the desert but then I might see a cactus!! Oh, I am more and more terrified!!
Emma is a ficticious Amish character and ILG is her real person counterpart.
Emma Bontrager, you been using your own supply, and you had forgotten that you were supposed to take care of your protection. Failing to do so can cause you to be in a very bad situation.
You need an older sister to help you out as stated in Tit 2:3-5:
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Sister lay off the chronic, and repent.
I will call holinesswoman today. Or, I would, if I had a phone.
Emma is a ficticious Amish character and ILG is her real person counterpart.
It might seem silly to you, D4T, but really, it isn't silly to me at all. The reason for this is that the fear that Emma shows is the fear that I lived under when I felt like I had to do certain things like not having a tree or not be right with God. It does get crazy, I will grant you that.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
It might seem silly to you, D4T, but really, it isn't silly to me at all. The reason for this is that the fear that Emma shows is the fear that I lived under when I felt like I had to do certain things like not having a tree or not be right with God. It does get crazy, I will grant you that.
I am very distraught today, my friends. I am in agony and I do not know what to do. I thought I was free from paganism and false worship when I realized something terrible. You know how we would never have a Christmas tree and we are concerned about getting presents from under it, lest we bow to the tree. Well, my friends, I realized that when I plant my garden, pick up my children or pick up things off the floor that I also am bowing. I am frozen in place today. I am simply sitting in a chair and not doing anything until I figure this out. Maybe one of you men can help me. (Women CANNOT help me as we cannot teach doctrine!!) Thank you very much for your help.
Are you saying that you lived in fear in picking your children up off the floor that you were bowing to them and, somehow, worshiping them?
I am very distraught today, my friends. I am in agony and I do not know what to do. I thought I was free from paganism and false worship when I realized something terrible. You know how we would never have a Christmas tree and we are concerned about getting presents from under it, lest we bow to the tree. Well, my friends, I realized that when I plant my garden, pick up my chilldren or pick up things off the floor that I also am bowing. I am frozen in place today. I am simply sitting in a chair and not doing anything until I figure this out. Maybe one of you men can help me. (Women CANNOT help me as we cannot teach doctrine!!) Thank you very much for your help.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I don care who ya are...... dat's funny right there !!
__________________ You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree
In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter
Spread the word! Timmy has solved the problem. Now ultra cons and libs can all enjoy gifts under a christmas tree!
GOOD one.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."