OK Back to take a look at the article cited above....
1. Two boys turned 18 and chose to stay at the ranch with the younger children. What would you do? Walk away from those scared kids that were looking up to you? Probably at least one of them being a younger sibling?
2. Good faith to enter the ranch with 700 agents armed and dangerous? If we are to believe that there really was concern for an alleged 16 year old girl who had an 8 month child and was pregnant again and had been beaten in the past to the point of needing medical care at the hospital; why did it take five days to go in and attempt to rescue her?
3. Why wasn't the phone call traced given the time frame they were working with? Why didn't authorities find out what info they could on their known perpetrator? Or had they and they went in anyway? Btw- How did the woman making the hoax phone call get the back room phone without caller id on it? Hmm...
4. What right did authorities have to go into ranch and ask questions about girls beliefs? Wasn't the relevant pretext supposed to be finding Sarah? 700 agents on the ranch and girls are being shuffled around by those tricky FLDS members? Sounds doubtful....
5. Btw- Does it matter to anyone if you found out that they came at 9pm and were waking the children up? Or that they were there throughout the night? (Remember this is a working ranch where people go to bed early and rise early).
6. Would it be ok with you to have your children removed from your care for investigative purposes not because they were all in iminent danger?
7. If you were a young mother about to be separated from your 13 month old infant would you agree with CPS when they said they thought you looked like a minor? Is it to be expected that CPS throws out the fact that 31 "girls" are pregnant or mothers already without mentioning that about 25 of them came on board as minors when they otherwise would have been separated from their children?
8. Btw- Is it really that surprising that very young children might get confused about who there mother is given the chaos going on in addition to the fact that all the women dress the same and wear their hair the same?
9. 41 broken bones [out of 463 children] Love those sensational head line grabbing sound bites.
10. Possible sex abuse of some boys based on interviews and journal entries... Did CPS forget to mention that neither the interviews nor journal entries point to adults but rather perhaps an older boy(s)? As reported in a Texas Newspaper.
Not a good thing for sure. But something that sadly happens all over America (I see it in court enough not to be surprised) and unless the parents had knowledge of it which CPS hasn't even alluded to so far; not something that the parents can be held accountable for. And again, this could be just another over the top assertion without any reality in substance by CPS as it pertains to journal entries and interviews.
11. If a 17 year old has 3 children.... Indeed. But what if she is 23? Remember these young women aren't wearing make up, high heels, fashionable clothing and they don't cut their hair. They are going to look younger then they are in their 20's...
12. Finally, where are all those pubescent brides and pregnant 13 year olds? Where are the girls that were forced into marriage? Where is the informant of four years who coincidently didn't mention underage sex until the raid already happened? Where indeed?