Originally Posted by 1ofthechosen
So your saying somebody who doesn't believe in God,
I don't claim to not believe in God. I claim that only sometimes do I believe in God.
This is true.
and is mocking the Holy Ghost and the people of God can speak in tongues?
Giving an opinion isn't mocking.
And this is the Spirit of God giving the utterance?
I'm with you that this sounds highly improbable but it's at least possible and does resolve the issue if true. So the suggestion was much more wise than you appear to admit.
The dude doesn't even believe in God, he says there is "nothing to speaking in tongues." By his own confession.
This is at worst a misrepresentation and at best an outright lie. I said that speaking in tongues proves nothing to me.
By the way it seems tongues proves nothing to you either because I can do it even now and you refuse to believe it's genuine.
Not my words he said this.
It would help if you stop lying about direct quotes from me.
To come with the conclusion you have come with is going out on the limb. Thats like Saying some unsaved guy spoke in tongues before he repented. And got saved because of it. If you can find a passage in the Bible where it when alludes to this being a possibility I'll agree. If not, you are hurting this person by telling him he has something he clearly doesn't have. He's not ok and he needs to repent, before it's too late.
It's quite a bit different. But since you refuse to even believe I received the Holy Ghost the first time I can understand why you would make such an outlandish comparison