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08-04-2018, 11:51 PM
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Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by consapente89
Here is the danger of this teaching. When I was a new convert I witnessed a lady who believed in the "power in your hair" doctrine whole sale. She literally would walk around "commanding" things to happen. Once saw her take a pair of AA batteries that were dead and start "commanding life into them". When they worked for 10 seconds more, it was of course "the power from her hair". She would bake goods and "lay her hair over them", believing that some kind of power would be imparted to them and whoever ate them would be converted and receive the Holy Ghost.
This was absolutely hilarious, say all this truly isnt so! And the laying her hair over the baked goods is ridiculous, and down right unsanitary! Lol but good Lord that made my night!!
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08-05-2018, 02:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
I know you're not. You just like to fake it.
And a think your just a bitter religionist. You only use the Bible to support a theology born in the mid 1900's.
That would be if you were sincere, but you are not. We all know what your game is. It has nothing to do with truth, virtue, or honesty, or bravery.
Your I think you're projecting.
Everyone fully understands. You are totally out there. This is a game of let's watch the kiddies play for you. You say the most barking mad things just to illicit a response. Nothing more. Amana nailed it, with your new revelation on divorce and remarriage. That it could only work the way you claimed if you weren't in a living with your girlfriend. Which many of my brethren who teach No divorce and no remarriage for any reason believe. I called one today, and asked him to read the thread. He said he has never ever heard anyone state what you believe. The no divorce and remarriage for any reason was cool to him, but where he thought you lost your mind. Is where you believe you can still be living with a woman and say God honors your marriage as even a marriage. He knows i don't believe like him, but we BOTH don't believe like you. With your jacked up soteriology with greasy grace which is afforded to you. Just because you are with a woman and can't reconcile your doctrine with the situation with your girlfriend. So, yes we all understand. You are religiously dysfunctional.
He doesn't believe marriage is an indissoluble union upon consummation, I do. In fact, one can become one flesh with a prostitute, per Paul. That union can't be dissolved. It is until death. Marriage is the same union, only with the blessing of the church.
Thus upon remarriage, once consummated, the second indissoluble sinful union is established. Divorce doesn't dissolve it, just as it didn't dissolve the first. And, it is equally binding.
Thus those remarried are in a second indissoluble, equally binding, union that adulterates the first, whether they divorce or not.
On divorce...In fact, the Bible tells us that divorce is a sin. To demand a couple divorce (first or second marriage) is to demand that they commit the sin of divorce, and for the remarried, the sin of divorce, again. That isn't repentance. That is compounding sin. The sin needs to be stopped in its tracks. The sin was divorcing and remarrying. If one repents, they cannot undue that second one flesh union even with divorce. They must honor the new union (unlike when they divorced and remarried), and commit not to divorce and remarry ever again. This is true repentance. Divorcing again would just be committing another sin.
If your friend would command them to divorce, he'd be commanding them to commit the sin of divorce again. Now two indissoluble unions are not being honored instead of just the first. It compounds sin. That's not true repentance. Not to mention, it destroys two families, and doubles the pain of the sin, especially if children from both marriages are involved.
It's kinda how John Piper and others advise missionaries handling polygamy. They have advised the new believer with multiple wives to repent, and cease marrying additional women. They admonish that they are just and equitable to their current wives, and if any wives wish to depart, allow them. The next generation is admonished to reject polygamy. And the sin is stopped in its tracks, and all covenants and indissoluble unions are still honored.
A sinful state such as this can only be pardoned, cleansed, and sanctified through... commitment.
Those in such unions have two indissoluble unions. And repentance demands that they honor the second, never to divorce, or remarry again. Hence, such a man is not the husband of only one wife. And is disqualified from being a deacon or elder.
You bring it all upon yourself as a forum troll. Your lack of sincerity and playing some pious Christian is pretty nauseating for men to have to watch.
Look, one can be as open, honest, and transparent about their circumstances as the day is long. Sinful or not in your eyes, YOU alone are responsible for how you respond. If you slander, mock, demean, and hate, that's... entirely on you. So, no, I don't bring it on myself. If God calls you on all the slander, mischaracterization, distortions, hate, insults, and every other idle word, are you going to blame me? LOLOLOLOL
Be a man, and own your own behavior, elder. Your a hateful person. Bitter, angry, and full of insult, because that's what you are. You can't stop yourself. You have no self discipline. Most, except you and your groupies, respectfully disagree. They don't go so personal. Some read my posts, and just refuse to comment. Perhaps they just pray for me, others might see my point. But, they don't become a hater like you. So, their existence testifies that nothing anyone can say forces them to slander, demean, and insult like you do. You own your responses to me. I just observe you.
You reveal your own hardness of heart.
Multifaceted? You run from nasty, to Mr soft hands, in a saffron robe walking barefoot on lotus petals. When you aren't LOLing you are correcting people for not being mature? Seriously? You aren't consistent, nut you are consistently fake.
And what does any of that do, but insult, and reveal your own hardness of heart.
Oh really, then you wouldn't say anything. Dig it. You would just solider on, and continue to do your thing. But you can't, you whine, like someone who has been caught. Of all the stupid postings you have done, you have outdid yourself by telling the forum that you are in adultery with your girlfriend. Which makes your cornflake story even more putrid.
I've had people both agree and disagree with me. The poll on the marriage thread was overwhelmingly sympathetic to marriage privatization. They just aren't vocal, to avoid the haters...like you. There's an entire movement that agrees with me too. Even the Libertarian Party agrees with me. And Rand Paul expressed the same sentiment. I could go on and on. But your judgement is only, your opinion. You're not God. Nor are you my judge.
No you don't. You know no one. How old are you? Have you totally lost what is left of your mind? Dude, you are behind a screen, sitting at a job where the taxpayers pay you to post to us. You know, or have known no one who would make anyone look like anything. Bro, you need a pastor, a church family, or the VA. Maybe all of them together can get you real.
I'm the admin. I can do as I wish. As long as I handle my duties. Also, I post from my own device. Sometimes, it's like being a firefighter. They are on the clock, at the ready to address fires, watching television or playing games until the alarm goes off. When I drop the conversation and come back later, you know I was called to address an issue.
You're an evangelist, right? A minister? Certainly you can relate. Clearly, your not being called on every five minutes, else you couldn't post here either.
My behavior says that people like you turn my gut. Because it is people like you who post smack concerning the Bible. You don't fool seasoned Christians. But people who are struggling with the no divorce and remarriage for any reason doctrine, they suffer. Males and females who question whether or not their second or third marriage is adultery. Who have had some of my brethren tell them that they need to LEAVE their current spouse. Not to go back to the former, but to stay single. Because they sure don't believe that stupid pseudo Calvinism you spout to gloss over your own second marriage to somehow reconcile your nuttiness of you modified teaching. This isn't about a beard, this is about lives of people who don't draw the same whacked out conclusions which you come to. Again, Amana stated that the only way the doctrine even works if the second marriage is dissolved.Murder isn't an unpardonable sin and neither is lying. But YOU cannot continue in them praying that God will grant restitution with FRUIT of repentance. Which would be cease from murder, cease from lying and CEASE from living in adultery.
That's only one interpretation of the issue. And turning your gut or not, your behavior...is your behavior. You own it.
Personal? You started the divorce and remarriage topic about YOU and girlfriend. The Marijuana miracle cure was about you wanting to use it. Bro, so save us the drama. If you think I'm just going to sit back and read miles of puke without a comment, your crazy.
More mischaracterizations and insults. Face it. This stuff comes from your heart. It's all you, elder.
If I wanted to smoke weed, no one is stopping me. It's actually a topic that's in the news, being debated in Congress, commented on by Trump, causing pastors to consider how to address it in relation to recreational use vs. medical use, etc. You turned what could be a productive conversation, expressing multiple views, into a personal attack. You did that. You didn't have to. I had people sending me PMs, Facebook messages, and links to additional information on it. An entire exchange and open discussion was held in private, sharing stories, experiences, concerns, encouragement, and prayer about the topic. I had at least five people message me in Facebook about the conversation here, willing to be pray with me about my PTSD. Two even told me too ignore you because you just want to fight and condemn. And all that was happening in the background while you were being insulting, accusatory, demeaning, and venomous. Lol. Bro, that's all you, elder. That's all you.
So, go puke, go think of more insults to respond with. Twist my points, act out. I don't control you. Lol That's all on you.
Because you can't just have a free flowing discussion without putting someone down.
I think you're terribly insecure.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-05-2018 at 02:56 PM.

08-05-2018, 02:49 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
And it's sad that you bring this venom into every thread. It's a bit obsessive.

08-05-2018, 02:58 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
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Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Aquila
And it's sad that you bring this venom into every thread. It's a bit obsessive.
It isn't venom, Chris. Stop playing the victim. You start and, then go into, with "any thoughts?" But forget that within the post you use yourself as the prime example. You give your own personal experiences which isn't a problem. Just that you use them to give yourself some sort of expertease on the subject being discussed. Then when posters pick up your own personal experiences and post their doubts concerning your story you get upset. What about the crack about that you know guys in the army blah blah blah? So, save it, you want to talk about venom? Then don't spew your own. Try to be a man.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-05-2018, 03:07 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
It isn't venom, Chris. Stop playing the victim. You start and, then go into, with "any thoughts?" But forget that within the post you use yourself as the prime example. You give your own personal experiences which isn't a problem. Just that you use them to give yourself some sort of expertease on the subject being discussed. Then when posters pick up your own personal experiences and post their doubts concerning your story you get upset. What about the crack about that you know guys in the army blah blah blah? So, save it, you want to talk about venom? Then don't spew your own. Try to be a man.
Not everyone responds like you, even those who disagree. Lol
You go beyond the topic and attack the person all the time. It's like you feel you can avoid covering the details of a topic by slandering the poster. Personal details or not, you don't have to respond that way. You choose to.

08-05-2018, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Are you divorced and remarried Dom?
If so, have you determined to honor your second marriage, never to divorce and remarry again?
If so, you've repented.
In my understanding, you'd only be initially disqualified from being a pastor.
And even then, I'd not tear you down if your church chose not to hold such sin against you, and installed you. Grace is an amazing thing. They must know you well and trust you. But the requirement to be blameless should cause churches to use great caution in granting such grace.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-05-2018 at 03:20 PM.

08-05-2018, 03:13 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Aquila
And a think your just a bitter religionist. You only use the Bible to support a theology born in the mid 1900's.
Venom? Chris, you can't take what you dish out. You flip flop back and forth from angry sore loser, to pious victim.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Your I think you're projecting.
Sorry, Chris, that's your job. Just that your cognitive dissonance refuses you to look introspectively at yourself. Contemplate this on the tree of woe.
Originally Posted by Aquila
He doesn't believe marriage is an indissoluble union upon consummation, I do. In fact, one can become one flesh with a prostitute, per Paul. That union can't be dissolved. It is until death. Marriage is the same union, only with the blessing of the church.
Really Chris? Did you happen to let everyone know that at the last fellowship you were a part of? It must of went over like a Palmetto bug in the punch bowl.  So, anyone male or female who has had relations with one night stands, prostitutes, from their first one to their last, have multiple unions that can't be dissolved? Therefore any real relationship after repentance, baptism, and infilling of the Holy Ghost is null and void. Because it is adulterous. You see instead of getting honest and admitting what you believe is erroneous you just keep shooting yourself in the foot. Now, you have people who are in multiple unions that can't be dissolved, therefore must live in the sin of adultery if they are married currently.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Thus upon remarriage, once consummated, the second indissoluble sinful union is established. Divorce doesn't dissolve it, just as it didn't dissolve the first. And, it is equally binding.
Interesting so now you made this the sin which can't even be repented of because all intercourse is binding? Chris, give up, no one on earth believes like you.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Thus those remarried are in a second indissoluble, equally binding, union that adulterates the first, whether they divorce or not.
So, they can't stop the cycle of sin? They must continue as an adulterer?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-05-2018, 03:14 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Aquila
Are you divorced and remarried Dom?
Bro, in what you are posting I'm still connected to every female I knew since 13. Only virgins male and female can be saved.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-05-2018, 03:16 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Originally Posted by Aquila
Not everyone responds like you, even those who disagree. Lol
You go beyond the topic and attack the person all the time. It's like you feel you can avoid covering the details of a topic by slandering the poster. Personal details or not, you don't have to respond that way. You choose to.
Bro, you have so many dissenters on this forum we could start a thread just on how posters respond to you. Or how many have placed you on ignore, or threatened to place you on ignore.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

08-05-2018, 03:17 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Act Of Faith. We Use Hands. Why Not Hair?
Chris, were you a virgin when you married your first wife?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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