Now that is brushing close to some truth--people work for free now. I do some myself, just to sweat a little. But grasp the implications of this (not you O, you're living it)
Originally Posted by Jito463
Do you have anything but snide comments to add? If not, I think I might add you to my ignore list with WII.
ok i do not mean to be unkind. i am glad for you, that you are paying debts down. And all that kaiser says is possible on some level also. By all means, do what you think is best; but the conversation ignores the lesson of Zimbabwe--and since that was of course never on Fox news, if you don't know what I'm alluding to, just google "Zimbabwe" and look at the relevant auto-completes, before you even finish typing, and pick one.
Or. ignore me, if you like; it is what you have been doing anyway. But see that refusal to engage me here, and WII there, is reducing your cafeteria to a freebie table, so to speak...and as evidence i present Zimbabwe, which you prolly heard about every violent act there in the last ten years, but not about their money.
Frankly, your arguments with WII are distractions anyway; disagreements on religions. I am arguing your modus operendi, with all due respect. Max Keiser has no agenda, except to expose zombie banks. He grew up on Wall St. So maybe consider how listening to him could possibly hurt you. You are laying on railroad tracks, and there is a train coming.