Thinking about this thread in light of the thread about being a Liberal 3stepper, I was thinking, what do you do if the only churches in your region are churches with which you have some fundamental, irreconcilable difference; for example:
1- They believe differently about
Acts 2:38 being the New Birth
2- You believe Jesus is the Father and the Holy Ghost- they either don't or downplay it so much that you feel like they are compromising
3- your views on clothing, women's hair/head coverings, jewels, going to movies etc are very different
4- anything else, such as you don't believe in celebrating Christmas and the local church(es) are very big on holidays or you have a different viewpoint on marriage and divorce
One thing that has been taught in many church organizations is that one needs to be a church member with a pastor or else one is in great danger of being swept up into deception and/or pride and that a pastor has a greater purview than a regular saint.
My question for the forum is if one is honest and real with oneself, and all the churches in one's area have some issue of difference, is one out of the will of God to attend these one or more of these churches but not join and just keep an honest relationship with God even if one feels they cannot fully submit to any of the pastors because they don't share the same revelation?
In some smaller areas, parts of the world, there is a lot of economic pressure to join churches too. Like you won't be able to fully participate in the local economy, get into a good school or have funeral rites if you aren't a card carrying church member somewhere.