Are there any attorneys here that can verify if a marriage certificate with witnesses can stand up in a court of law and thereby make the marriage "legal" even though the participants didn't acquire a "marriage license" from the state???
Are there any attorneys here that can verify if a marriage certificate with witnesses can stand up in a court of law and thereby make the marriage "legal" even though the participants didn't acquire a "marriage license" from the state???
not a lawyer but I would say that depends on the state.
I know in Texas that if you represent yourself as married, you are married in the eyes of the state.
so yea.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I really would like to know if any attorneys on this forum can comment on the validity of a signed marriage certificate in a family Bible without legal licensing.
What if a couple declared their love and vows for one another in the sight of God and at least two witnesses (essentially a Quaker wedding), had the Marriage Certificate in their family Bible signed by themselves and two witnesses, and registered their union as a Domestic Partnership with the local municipal authority?