You can easily reconcile that one. It doesn't even "apparently" contradict anything, except the commandment against murder. But just use the same method you use to reconcile that with God's OT commands to various people to kill someone, and in particular, Abraham's order to kill Isaac. (Don't bother mentioning that God stopped Abe. It has no bearing on this at all.) (Oh, and if you say that was OT and God doesn't tell anyone to kill anymore, prove it. And God Himself killed in the NT.)
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I don't understand why it matters if the original manuscripts of the bible were without error... I'm worried about the manuscripts we have now and apparently even if God was able to create error free manuscripts he was either unable or unwilling to preserve them and their copies error free until this day.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
I don't understand why it matters if the original manuscripts of the bible were without error... I'm worried about the manuscripts we have now and apparently even if God was able to create error free manuscripts he was either unable or unwilling to preserve them and their copies error free until this day.
Ahhh...but he has preserved them. There are many old bibles out there. They just are not sold in stores and you have to search for them elsewhere.