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smarm·y /ˈsmɑrmi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[smahr-mee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, smarm·i·er, smarm·i·est. excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating, servile, etc.: the emcee with the smarmy welcome.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
smarm·y /ˈsmɑrmi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[smahr-mee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective, smarm·i·er, smarm·i·est. excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating, servile, etc.: the emcee with the smarmy welcome.
Nobody likes change. Whenever a change is proposed, folks look at the change and how it effects them personally, without really considering how the change will effect the group as a whole.
What I see is that splitting the WD will effect friendships groups, etc. I don't think this emotional type argument will fly with those looking at the district for the long term benefits.
What I also see is that splitting the WD will significantly shorten drive times to planned district events. I would guess the the two districts from the split will STILL be two of the larger districts in the UPCI.
__________________ Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.
Nobody likes change. Whenever a change is proposed, folks look at the change and how it effects them personally, without really considering how the change will effect the group as a whole.
What I see is that splitting the WD will effect friendships groups, etc. I don't think this emotional type argument will fly with those looking at the district for the long term benefits.
What I also see is that splitting the WD will significantly shorten drive times to planned district events. I would guess the the two districts from the split will STILL be two of the larger districts in the UPCI.
You would have a better understanding of fellowship also if you lived here.. WD is divided down the lines of standards...
many of those that posted on the site were from Churches who don't really allow their kids to participate in District stuff anyway because they consider it too liberal... things like Short Sleeved Shirts.. and wild music....
One of the Pastors recently wrote the entire district a letter stating he didn't want his kids going to district stuff and he is well known in the UPC org as a whole...
That's what bugs me about this staying together stuff and I don't get it...
You would have a better understanding of fellowship also if you lived here.. WD is divided down the lines of standards...
many of those that posted on the site were from Churches who don't really allow their kids to participate in District stuff anyway because they consider it too liberal... things like Short Sleeved Shirts.. and wild music....
One of the Pastors recently wrote the entire district a letter stating he didn't want his kids going to district stuff and he is well known in the UPC org as a whole...
That's what bugs me about this staying together stuff and I don't get it...
Soooo.....friendship is based on DISTRICTS??? Friends will CEASE to EXIST??? Talk about EXTREME!!!! Goodness.
The formation of the new district is NOT going to mean I am not going to be friends with friends of mine who live NORTH of me! Has anyone heard of a car or a plane?? My word....
Soooo.....friendship is based on DISTRICTS??? Friends will CEASE to EXIST??? Talk about EXTREME!!!! Goodness.
The formation of the new district is NOT going to mean I am not going to be friends with friends of mine who live NORTH of me! Has anyone heard of a car or a plane?? My word....
This shows the difference of Fear & Faith... it's how these young folks are being brought up... that worries me...
It seems to me that the conservative upc churches are functioning almost the same way as the independent churches here function. Seperate campmeeting, seperate camps, seperate conferences....my goodness can't we all just get along?