But I have had several strangers walk up and say "You are a Spirit Filled Christian aren't you?" It is sort of spooky actually especially when one is not expecting it.
Stephen, it is not a surprise to me at all.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
I think it depends on the length of the hair. Wearing skirts didn't grant me that look of "you're one of us" from apostolics that I get now.
yeah, maybe so... mine isn't that long... growing, but about mid back. I usually get the "you're one of us" when my hair is up. I'm just a tad stubborn, makes me want to really cut it off.. *sigh* all that stuff frustrates me.
yeah, maybe so... mine isn't that long... growing, but about mid back. I usually get the "you're one of us" when my hair is up. I'm just a tad stubborn, makes me want to really cut it off.. *sigh* all that stuff frustrates me.
Lol....it's like a secret handshake, isn't it?
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Thad~ This is why God chose the heart above all things as His sign someone is His! The outward person can lie before man, (as a sign someone is in right standing or of God), to cover a wicked heart with outer dress wear, God see the inner heart, one cannot hide their true inner heart condition before God! Unlike man, who is easily fooled, and why they seek after a outward sign, with their eyes instead of looking into the heart of a person as God can and does! ~
You seek after sign Thad, (a false outward dress sign at that!) You really don't trust in God to do the inner heart work, so you enforce a man made tradition and make it a bible truth (heaven or hell), and seemly by pass the teachings of Grace as Jesus taught and the Apostles as well.
True change comes about when our love is change to His love (Agape). Our love should becomes as Jesus love (Agape), you see this world through His eyes know! And yes this love will show froth on the outward person, not by dress, BUT BY HOW THEY LOVE! And do they love as Jesus does.
You have brought about another gospel by adding and taken from "Grace", Gods perfect Agape (Jesus) ~
Milk kills the soul after a time Thad~ Get some meat into your diet as well~
I think it sad when this is the only teaching one seem to be knowledgeable in, Jesus had a lot to say and teach man, but nothing as shallow as this outward teaching of man, that's best be summed up as something straight out of the pit and the greatest deceptions the devil or man has every come up with as of yet! Thad you are teaching another Gospel another way then Grace, and that will lead you straight to hell!~
If I get banned for saying that oh well, been fun~ GoodDay~