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Old 08-06-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: Allow me to Think Abstractly for a Moment

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post

I cannot wrap my mind around a God that would send me to hell after I repented and was baptized in Jesus' name, but hadn't publically spoken in tongues yet.

It's not for you to understand, psychoanalyze, or feel warm-fuzzies about! You're just supposed to obey it!!!! His thoughts are NOT our thoughts, hallelujah to God, His ways are NOT our ways, I feel God in this place, He don't have to ask no permission or see if we agree first-a, somebody slap your neighbor and say, "just do what God said."

You better start talking in tongues and if you don't-a, you should go get yerself a match, light it, and touch the tip of the flame to your hand so you can get chorself a little taste, glory to God, of just a millionth of what your future holds-a!!!!!!!

Can I preach some more???!!!
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:06 PM
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Re: Allow me to Think Abstractly for a Moment

Some people apparently don't understand that it's not just because you speak in a language you don't know, it's the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit that is important. If you fake speaking in tongues, it's not the Holy Ghost.
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: Allow me to Think Abstractly for a Moment

Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
It is bizarre, Maple Leaf. And so, so sad. I would imagine Jesus is sad too, when people insist on 'leaving Him in the grave'. And I believe that's what they do, when they don't want to follow through on what Peter told them they MUST do....
Peter only told them that they must do 2 things.

1. Repent.
2. Be baptized.

Receiving the Holy Ghost is a promise. Do you know of anyone who repented and was baptized but never received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and then died? I guess that promise wasn't for those kind of people?
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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Old 08-06-2010, 04:38 PM
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Re: Allow me to Think Abstractly for a Moment

Originally Posted by Maple Leaf View Post
I've read this post a dozen times, and, no matter how abstractly I consider it, I can't, for the life of me, understand how the author can make the leap from Hebrews 1:1 to questioning whether or not there is an initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost?

The whole context of Hebrews 1:1, as Rev DWW has already pointed out, is that true faith is evidenced by action: Abel built an altar; Enoch had a testimony; Noah built an ark; Abraham became a pilgrim; Moses forsook Egypt; etc...

The only reason to feel there has to be evidence or initial evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost is the Scripture's testimony on the topic. Pentecostals have concluded that "other tongues" are the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; most Baptists disagree with that conclusion.

Are there really Pentecostals who believe that receiving the Holy Ghost is such a non-event that there is no initial evidence of the event?

Salvation is by faith, and every aspect of the faith that brings salvation is accompanied by both initial and ongoing evidence of that faith. You believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth...

It's a bizarre world when Pentecostals create "abstract" arguments against speaking with other tongues as the initial evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

It's not bizarre when people add to the Bible.

It's not bizarre when people decide to embrace ideas that are not biblical.

It's not bizarre when your belief system condemns those whom the Bible calls brothers and sisters to hell.

It's not bizarre in the least bit! In fact, it is the norm in many churches-- not just Pentecostal churches either.

I think that what many people who do not agree with me fail to understand is simply this: speaking in tongues does not equal salvation. Never has, never will.

So why set that as the benchmark when the Bible makes it clear that salvation begins at faith, verified by one's obedience to the clear commands of our GOD and Savior.

The focus of so many well-meaning Apostolics are skewed-- setting them up for a performance based salvation that could nullify that same salvation they profess to have while denying it to everyone else.

This is what scares me most about continuing my Christian walk as an Apostolic.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
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Old 08-06-2010, 05:17 PM
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Re: Allow me to Think Abstractly for a Moment

Originally Posted by Norman View Post
Some people apparently don't understand that it's not just because you speak in a language you don't know, it's the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit that is important. If you fake speaking in tongues, it's not the Holy Ghost.

I am FILLED with the Holy Spirit. I do not speak in in tongues. I don't have that gift. My Holy Ghost meter is higher than yours.
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