Mark Steyn: Things only a Kennedy could get away with
"Like all figures in history – and like those in the Bible, for that matter – Kennedy came with flaws. Moses had a temper. Peter betrayed Jesus. Kennedy had Chappaquiddick, a moment of tremendous moral collapse."
Actually, Peter denied Jesus, rather than "betrayed" him, but close enough for Catholic-lite Massachusetts. And if Moses having a temper never led him to leave some gal at the bottom of the Red Sea, well, let's face it, he doesn't have Ted's tremendous legislative legacy, does he? Perhaps it's kinder simply to airbrush out of the record the name of the unfortunate complicating factor on the receiving end of that moment of "tremendous moral collapse."
Should I have stated a more politically correct, Rest in Peace? I could have been more crass with the twist on RIP - Rot in Pieces, but I didn't. Instead I bid his departure as good riddance.
I'd rejoice at the news of TK's repentence, baptism in the name of Jesus and being filled with the spirit ... regardless of his past. Sadly, I don't believe that happened. He's in the hands of his maker.
So again, good riddance to a drunken, date-killing, adulterous, liberal senator ... I shant shed a tear. Pity to those whom my lack of tears offends.
I really liked that song that was written about him to the tune of Rudolf the red nose reindeer...
I feel neither cheer nor sorrow. I dont feel anything at all about the end of Teddy. He was an evil corrupt guy, and I am sure someone 7 times as bad will take his place.
Any of you folks getting all weepy over this guy weep for Mary Jo?
Location: just north of the celtics red sox and patriots go baby!
Posts: 730
Re: Sen. Edward Kennedy dies
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
he didnt fight at all for the health of mary jo because he was drunk and needed to sober up, of course he told everyone he dove repeatedly ,which is foolishess, physically he wasnt capabale with all the injuries he had in the past. and then on the way back over on the ferry in the morning he pretended not to know anything to the public, while he tried to convince his cousin to take the fall. yeah this is a stand up guy worthy of praise. he should have done time for manslaughter, instead a 100,000.00 made his parents go away.
Location: just north of the celtics red sox and patriots go baby!
Posts: 730
Re: Sen. Edward Kennedy dies
oh and then there was the reporter who said at his funeral as the rain poured down "the skies are weeping " at this event. gag me with a spoon , unbelievable!