It is interesting that this video provides a use of audio repetition. Lay this vid up against Misty's and you do have a great basis for contrasting the form, and content of repetition.
soldout and MtD for giving this clip such props
Out of curiosity, did you like the Jesus Culture vid/song?
__________________ "We ask why there so many signs and miracles overseas but not in America. I’ll tell you why. Overseas, they preach to the lost. In America, we preach to the found." -Joel Stockstill
I just ask that you look around and consider the expansion of addicitive behaviour patterns and then look at how the sellers in the marketplace rush in to meet the cravings.
The new birth is a not a methodone(sp?) clinic, its a transformation where the OLD is replaced by the NEW.
Where did that come from? Comparing worshipping YHWH to a Methadone clinic? Where in these video's of praise to Yeshua the Messiah do you glean anything that brings a meth clinic to mind?
And what could be NEWER to the carnal, sinful mind than to reach out with love to worship Jesus Christ in the beauty of holiness?
What "spirit" is behind this? The "lawnmower" spirit (1:33)? The "robot" (various times)? The "lock and load" (3:35)?
Surprisingly, I've heard of Heather Clark before. Never listened to any of her music or I see I might've made the right choice. I think that this is an example of people getting caught up in the music and sound rather than worshipping God. Then again, this was at The Lakeland Revival-and a whole lot went on a lot more troubling than that.
__________________ "We ask why there so many signs and miracles overseas but not in America. I’ll tell you why. Overseas, they preach to the lost. In America, we preach to the found." -Joel Stockstill
Out of curiosity, did you like the Jesus Culture vid/song?
very much.
I am generally willing to be patient even when an extended guitar monologe appears to solely be a demonstration of practice OR skills of the musician.
Praise going before the assembly has a scriptural basis. IMO, it would be better if they turned their backs to the audience or where not visible at all. Maybe Micheal or Sherri could suggest that to Misty.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
Where did that come from? Comparing worshipping YHWH to a Methadone clinic? Where in these video's of praise to Yeshua the Messiah do you glean anything that brings a meth clinic to mind?
And what could be NEWER to the carnal, sinful mind than to reach out with love to worship Jesus Christ in the beauty of holiness?
I am going to leave this conversation because I never felt like it was between you and I, but rather we were sharing our independant perspectives related to similar theme elements.
If an addicition to the euphoria; the buzz, the rush, is not something you can see in any form of musical delivery system (regardless of genre), then I do not want to continue to speak in these terms if they cause a rub between us because you apply them directly to your own experience.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
I am generally willing to be patient even when an extended guitar monologe provides a demonstration of practice OR skills of the musician.
Praise going before the assembly has a scriptural basis. IMO, it would be better if they turned their backs to the audience or where not visible at all. Maybe Micheal or Sherri could suggest that to Misty.
Perhaps we should suggest the same thing for your Pastor? Why not? All the suspicions that could be suspected about Misty not REALLY being in the Spirit could be said about any given Preacher?
After all you dont REALLY know whats going on in their heart?
Maybe if THEY turn their back to the members on the pews they could be more readily accepted?
I am going to leave this conversation because I never felt like it was between you and I, but rather we were sharing our independant perspectives related to similar theme elements.
If an addicition to the euphoria; the buzz, the rush, is not something you can see in any form of musical delivery system (regardless of genre), then I do not want to continue to speak in these terms if they cause a rub between us because you apply them directly to your own experience.
Well I did not say there was no rush or euphoria in any given music system. But I was pointing out that they dont give me an "energetic climb" like songs that have good scriptural words and performed by singers who love the Lord.
Dont leave on my account. I wont make any more comments to you if you prefer.