Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
I am not saying entertainment is wrong. I am saying that an unhealthy fixation with personal gratification goes against everything biblical.
Everybody needs a little time away now and then. But not every other weekend. It gets ridiculous.
I can understand your point.
I don't necessarily see it the same way you do, but I do agree that if one runs away from 'assembling' with other believers more often than not, there is something wrong... but I wouldn't broad brush it as "and unhealthy fixation with personal gratification".
Sometimes it's a perception issue... as in, they're just not looking in the right direction after they got sidetracked... Sometimes it is as you've described... It could be any number of things...
And maybe they're just not getting what they need... and feel that the 'leadership' isn't truly understanding or in tune with the congregation, or their own needs.
One size does not always fit all...