IMO and IME, all this complaining about complaining kind of begs the question, doesn't it? I mean, sure, every denomination has its problems. But what if (just asking) the UPC, and perhaps other Apostolic fellowships, has a much higher than average number of, say, abusive and overbearing pastors? You have to admit, it does seem to be targeted by ex-members more than a lot of other denominations (far as I know). Maybe there's a reason, and maybe instead of bashing the bashers, the UPC could look into the reason behind it, and fix things. Just sayin'.
You might have a point if this was a valid point. IMO, it is not.
I think one of the biggest mistakes that the UPC makes is the emphasis on church, church, church rather than family. People are expected to come bare minimum of 3 services a week, just so they are not "forsaking the assembling" and then there are the bible studies, door knocking, bake sales, singing, etc. etc. etc. on top of it all. I have heard it said that some pastors emphasize a family night one night a week (mine did not). So, are the other 6 to be used for church?? There is little teaching on marriage, family, balance etc. Alsmot all the teaching, in my experience, is on Acts 2:38, going to church, winning the lost, giving and giving and giving to the church.
I don't think it has ever been God's will for people to spend so much time at church and doing church things. We need to focus on our families, our kids, our marriages, our work etc. This is the work of God. That should not be forgotten.
ILG, don't take my question offensively, I'm just wondering why you are concerned?? Y
ou are no longer in UPC so you don't have to adhere to anything UPC anymore.
In my growing up years, I would agree with you to an extent. We went to church ALL THE TIME.
Funny thing is, no one complained then. Everyone seemed to love it a lot more then they love church today.
Our nation might be a better place IF people went to church a little more instead parking their butts in front of
TV watching MTV and playing X box ( youth).
I don't think most UPC churches have too much church these days.
the long revival meetings have been eliminated. Long services are gone.
Friday nights are gone. many have ended sunday nights.
Wednesdays are more than half empty in many UPC churches. what else do you want??
Have church once a month for 45 min ?
There's 168 hours in a week. Our church for instance totals less then 6 hours a week.
that leaves our members with 162 hours for family time. I don't think that's unreasonable do you ?
Ever consider that maybe attending church together IS family time as well???
Sometimes, the wounds are too deep to simply glance over with a quck cliche.
Although I agree that hurting people often aggravate their own pain, I know personally that it is healthy to find an outlet to express the hurt and pain.
The hurting has to be able to separate their past hurt from their current reality-- resisting the impulse to lash out at others who had nothing to do with the offense.
Those who have hurting people around them should listen to the hurting, looking for the opportunity to help the hurting to heal.
If one is not interested in helping the hurting to heal, then the could be helper's heart is not right.
I dont mind it when hurting people deal with their pain.oo in fact i think that is a good thing (we may disagree on how to deal...)
but what I find is often hurting people need to have someone focus them on their own pain.
far too often hurting people either think everyone else is hurting just like them or everyone out there is an abuser/
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
IMO and IME, all this complaining about complaining kind of begs the question, doesn't it? I mean, sure, every denomination has its problems. But what if (just asking) the UPC, and perhaps other Apostolic fellowships, has a much higher than average number of, say, abusive and overbearing pastors? You have to admit, it does seem to be targeted by ex-members more than a lot of other denominations (far as I know). Maybe there's a reason, and maybe instead of bashing the bashers, the UPC could look into the reason behind it, and fix things. Just sayin'.
IMO, I think we need to ask the priests in the Catholic Church why they molest little boys and the nuns. Just to be fair, you know.
You might have a point if this was a valid point. IMO, it is not.
I will say this and probably get shot for saying it, but IMO in the Pentecostal ranks I would think there are far more non-degreed ministers than any other organizations. No stats for it, but just from experience.
The crazy things that go on in some churches are the small churches where the pastor is not super educated and they use/abuse their "leadership" role.
rrford, I'm including all Pentecostal/Holiness ranks - not just UPC.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
IMO, I think we need to ask the priests in the Catholic Church why they molest little boys and the nuns. Just to be fair, you know.
Being this is an Apostolic site, we read much more about Apostolic abuses here. It skews our thinking some.
If I went by what I see on the hospital unit I work on, I would think that ALL diabetics patients end up on dialysis but it is only a portion that do.
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
I dont mind it when hurting people deal with their pain.oo in fact i think that is a good thing (we may disagree on how to deal...)
but what I find is often hurting people need to have someone focus them on their own pain.
far too often hurting people either think everyone else is hurting just like them or everyone out there is an abuser/
The hurting has to be able to separate their past hurt from their current reality-- resisting the impulse to lash out at others who had nothing to do with the offense.
I have had to learn that.
Same thing when it comes to trust violations-- though it is much more difficult to trust again when your trust has been deeply violated.
A "Church" environment is definitely a place where a person's trust can be deeply violated. This is the one place where you should be able to go and not be taken advantage of.
Unfortunately, this is EXACTLY what happens and it should not happen at all among folks who "have the truth", you know folks who are "really saved" and are "really going to Heaven" and not "deceived" like all of the rest of Christendom.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."