Mike, why are you walking the democrat party line? I thought you were a liberatarian?
I realize it's hard when someone won't be pigeon-holed into "parties" and "lines", but I'm not walking any line. I'm calling a spade a spade.
I'm an indepdendent who is voting for a Libertarian candidate for President because he's more right on Iraq than the other two. I don't do labels and parties, Ferd.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Awwwww, ok. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't mischaracterizing the truth. There has certainly been no felony conviction of Bill Clinton. Thus, I would assume, under our judicial system, he IS NOT considered a felon. You can consider him one if you want, I guess.
Sorry to bust your bubble, pal.
A felon is not one who is convicted of a felony. A felon is one who has commited a felony. Thus, Bill Clinton is a felon.
No way around it.
Have another sip of Kool-aid, Mike. That'll make yuou feel better.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Main Entry: 1fel·on Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French felun, fel evildoer, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German fillen to beat, whip, fel skin — more at fell Date: 13th century 1: one who has committed a felony
__________________ http://endtimeobserver.blogspot.com
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Jeanie is saying that if the news was credible it would be in the papers elsewhere. It it no where in any of the Alaska papers, except to say that the story is unfounded and the "alleged lover" is saying the story is not true.
The Anchorage Daily News with its left leaning would love that story to be true, but it, thus far, isn't panning out.
You know they offer people good money to be interviewed. Wooten turned them down. I guess Burdett wanted the money.
Jeanie is saying that if the news was credible it would be in the papers elsewhere. It it no where in any of the Alaska papers, except to say that the story is unfounded and the "alleged lover" is saying the story is not true.
The Anchorage Daily News with its left leaning would love that story to be true, but it, thus far, isn't panning out.
You know they offer people good money to be interviewed. Wooten turned them down. I guess Burdett wanted the money.