Originally Posted by DeuteronomyCh8
Is prayer and worship effective? What about "hearing" the word? MY BIBLE says :
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17
Friend, praytell me scripture for your remarks. (?) These are NOT my words but GOD's words.
Whats this balance you refer to? Your time versus God's time. Have you ignored the scriptures.
If I sat in a service to hear a 30 minute "sermonet" to tickle my fancy and was dimissed to my own time.........well I'd find another service before the night was out.
Reminds me. People spend more time eating dinner after church than it took to get fed the Word of GOD. It's laughable at best. (but not real funny)
And YES I judge my "spirituality and calling" by the hours I'm logged in. Thats an excellent way of putting it.
The hearing of the Word in your Levitical mindset happens only when one is doused with the verbiage of one's revered preacher/shaman ....at a baptism or a carbon copied, hopping preaching session every Sunday to be fully saved.
In the NT Church we find ... the priesthood of all believers .... we find that each member has gifts .... each saint ministers while the five-fold ministry perfects the saints so they can minister ...
In your works based paradigm ... spirituality is measured by the amount of hours logged/punched in at the local assembly doing Pentecost and parading dress code holiness ....
In your paradigm preaching the word is reduced to in-house motivational speaking ... inspiring and soliticiting call and response. Petting a man's ego.
And annointed preaching is mistaken for a sweat drenched shirt, tie, suit and pom-poms.
While the rest of the world doesn't admittedly know you exist - see DKB.
Understanding that the eating together in corporate fellowship was just as much the Apostolic church model of Acts as was the preaching of the word ...
Read the sermon transcripts in Acts .... maybe they are just highlights but they presented the Gospel effectively and concisely ... without the theatrics, spit-saturated mic and the obligatory "ahas"" ... we mistake spirituality for ....
A habitual 2 hour preacher is selfish ... not selfless if that preaching is constantly directed in saving the saved and not directed or targeted to the lost.
This 2 hour teaching in particular we can agree was not evangelistic in nature.