Originally Posted by 1399
So at great peril I ask,
A saved person is not responsible for their actions when they're demented?
Who, then is?
I've heard of people speaking in tongues in their sleep.
I've heard of people waking up and literally the first words out of their mouths are tongues.I've heard of the elderly in nursing homes speaking in tongues while suffering from some sort of mental impairment.
I've never heard of a saved, demented person cussing and hitting their wives or anything like that, until just now.
Saved and demented are two totally different issues, yet both can abide in the same person. When your brain isn't working, you aren't in control. Your brain runs the joint. It controls not only bodily functions but moods, emotions, feelings, and behaviors.
Even though we are saved, we continue to sin. Why, if we are saved? Because we still have a human brain that controls our moods, emotions, feelings, and behaviors. As you know, being saved doesn't make us less human.
So, that being the case, we are subject to the brain when it deteriorates. Chemicals that should be there aren't, and those that are there shouldn't be in such great quantities.
There are two male residents where I work right now. Both came in for rehab only. One came in an already deteriorated state. His wife couldn't stand coming to see him because he was mean to her and would talk to her harshly. I took the liberty quite often to tell him to behave himself and not talk to her that way. He'd listen to me, but she'd often leave in tears.
He's been in therapy for about a month now, and not only has he improved physically, but mentally as well. It's been nice watching it unfold day after day.
Today, his wife told me that she is now happy to come and see him. His brain is working better (he'd had a stroke) and he's a funny guy, always joking and also treating people with respect. She said he's like his old self again.
The other man was brought in after falling and being recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. He started failing and was going downhill fast. Even the docs didn't know what was wrong with him, as every test they did wasn't showing anything conclusive, but clearly, something wasn't right.
He would talk about things from the 1960's as if it were today. He was constantly falling because he forgot that he couldn't stand (he was walking when he came in, but deteriorated to that point). He was very moody and unpredictable, even yelling at me once. His wife wanted answers, and we had none to give. This wasn't the man she knew. He eventually was unable to swallow properly and was placed on pureed foods and thickened liquids. His speech wasn't appropriate (How are you feeling today? Answer: Sounds like it's making a run to shoes, doesn't it?).
For some reason (I was gone for a week while they ran further tests), he was placed on Prednisone, which is a steroid, and he has improved so much in two weeks that he's eating regular food, his memory is intact (even had to remind me about a new pill I'd forgotten to give him one morning), and he's walking with therapy.
Now, I shared all that for a reason. I see things like this all the time, so it's simple for me to understand how anyone, saved or not, can behave in a manner so unlike themselves and not be responsible for their actions. Some things are fixable, as I shared in the stories above, but things like Alzheimers are not fixable, and in most cases, the outcome is sad.
Hope this wasn't overwhelming.