And yet the bible still tells us that w/o faith it is impossible to please God.
Please don't misconstrue my postings on this subject to be glorifying doubt (as one wouldn't glorify other emotions such as anger, depression)... I'm simply trying to define it ... and it's role in our life as believers. It can become hope and when we turn it over to Jesus .... he can place in us faith in Him... the conviction of things not seen .... the substance of things hoped for.
I just feel we don't see the benefit our having doubts .... and that we mistake doubt w/ unbelief.
Doubt still means there is a chance.
There are way too many Apostolics living this Spirit-filled walk w/ dour "GAME-FACE" expressions on their countenance trying to conceal their normal range of emotions as not to show their human frailties for fear of disapproval by their peers.
The truth is ... in our humanity we struggle w/ these things. Yet, the joy of the Lord is my strength ... in my weakness ... He is made strong.
God will not condemn us for our doubt and anxiety ... He simply asks, in his eternal Fatherly love, that we bring it to him .... casting our cares upon him.
We see the ultimate example of this when Jesus brings his doubts and anxieties in desperation to the Father at the Garden ... and even the cross.
Surely his doubt, anxiety, sadness, agony is not counted to him as sin ... since The Lamb was without sin or blemish.
Mark 16:16 (b) says .... but he that believes not (unbelief) shall be damned.