Originally Posted by Praxeas
Ah...you just gotta love a polemic. Michael Moore was able to convince a lot of people by reporting only part of the facts and making false arguments.
I read the book and didn't find many false arguments. No more than were in this post of yours.
Problem #1, this statement you posted ASSUMES that today's world is no way different than theirs. Alright, but let's consider something. We live in a day and age that has been "evangelized"...many people were reared in a church. Many more have had the JWs and Mormons breathing down their necks and are already unreceptive to a "confrontation"...an advertisement is passive. There is nobody there to argue with them.
I didn't assume anything. The times really have very little to do with it. The early church dealt with a proliferation of false religions also. (See
Acts 17:22). People haven't changed that much since the early days and the fact remains that the commands of Jesus to
go forth were not meant as mandates for church marketing. Your supposition that "many" are "unreceptive." Is a poor reason to abandon personal evangelism in favor of TV advertising.
Door knocking today is nothing like is was then. People don't open their doors often when we do door knocking or they have already all piled into the SUV and drove to another town. There are some people and some places where we can never get into...such as gated communities and countries like Saudi Arabia.
First of all, people who live in gated communities also go the grocery store, the dry cleaners, and the gas stations. They work in public, shop in public, and live in public. We don't need TV to reach them. I'm sure once we get on TV, Saudia Arabia will welcome our TV networks with open arms. Earth to Praxeas...
Yes, they did it by personally preaching....how else would they have done it? They did NOT have TV, Radio or internet....btw are did these authors use that reason to NOT use the internet either?
No - the reasons against TV are primarily because of the type of medium that TV is (one way communications) and the statement of approval (of the medium) that televangelism would make to the members of the church.
Also the didn't actually do ALL things by face to face personal interactions...they also used another medium...they wrote letters
The issue at hand is not whether or not to use any medium, but whether to use TV. Letters? You are comparing TV to letters? Lol!
Problem #2...uh, you make an assertion about pew sitters....but what is the argument to support it? If there are these pew sitters already then what's the point? If they aren't doing anything now anyways....BTW There are groups from those other guys....you know the Trinitarians...that are VERY active in going out and personally witness to people even though the Trinitarians are ALL over TV....so if we can't do it but they can...what's wrong with us?
You didn't read my assertion very well. I suggested that the use of televangelism would cause some to falsely believe that they were carrying out the Great Commission by broadcasting a service or playing a TV ad. making it more difficult to get people engaged in personal evangelism.
There are a LOT of TV programs that are educational and informative. If you blew up the Internet you'd blow up a LOT of porn...kiddie porn and other sick thing that have seemingly grown exponentially since the advent of the Internet. Speaking of libraries....no TV in libraries BUT you can legally watch PORNOGRAPHY on their computers in the library with kids around.
I don't know where you live, but most places in the country, you cannot watch kiddie porn in a library. First off it is a federal offense, second the library usually requires people to sign in with a library card, so doing so would be stupid, and thirdly, many places like our city filter porn at the library.
Still, the difference doe not explain WHY we should not reach those people who are TV watchers...
No one is suggesting that we don't reach TV watchers. We reach them everyday by meeting them and sharing the gospel face to face.
*Buzzer* awwwww. sorry, but that is the answer. What is meant by "Television" is that box of electronics that is capable of receiving some sort of broadcast signal either by virtue of the air waves or now through a direct cable signal. It's NOT all entertainment. It's not all THEIR ungodly philosophy anymore than the Internet is some porn freaks ungodly philosophy....yet we don't feel a problem with countering such a philosophy by spreading the gospel on it? If this is true as you say of the TV then all the MORE reason to spread the truth to those people watching it.
Well if your definition of TV is a plastic box with wires then I can understand why you don't get it.
And preachers that are intelligent and eloquent might do MORE to change that negative perception!
They are usually the ones that don't have any desire to be a TV star, so they won't get much airtime. The funny men, the watch how crude I can be, and the "rock star" preachers will gravitate to the cameras. Of course this is purely speculation on my part having once been in the world and watching religious programming like TBN while stoned and laughing at the stupidity of it with my friends.
To some....but then again if we do personal evangelism and invite them to those conferences they are going to see it anyways....besides are we talking about advertisement or actually having services on TV?
We are little more careful than that with new converts.
Then take a hike...but how does this have anything to do with TV advertisement
Take a hike? That's a good answer. How bout you take a hike?
Im still waiting for the anti-TV side facts...can you post some?
I just did but you apparently are still clueless.