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Old 02-27-2008, 08:04 PM

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Re: Sad "Abortion led to Suicide" Story

I never said God saw us in a sexual light.

I said it's PASSIONATE... it's hunger... marriage is designed to show us God's love for us. The intensity. The passion...

Have a nice night, Dave... sweet dreams...
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Old 02-27-2008, 08:12 PM
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Re: Sad "Abortion led to Suicide" Story

Originally Posted by Ronzo View Post
I never said God saw us in a sexual light.

I said it's PASSIONATE... it's hunger... marriage is designed to show us God's love for us. The intensity. The passion...

When you learn how to apply the definitions correctly, then I guess I'll discuss this further...

Have a nice night, Dave... sweet dreams...
I do understand. What Scripture can you use to achieve your point? As you are aware there are several other words in the OT that we interpret as 'love'. Which Scripture do you have that uses this specific word in relation to God's love for the human race?

Boy! You start the discussion and then get condescending. Doesn't seem to be too constructive.

What might help is that along with your vast study of linguistics you also get some understanding of systematics......
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

- Groucho Marx
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Old 07-28-2008, 06:11 PM
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Re: Sad "Abortion led to Sucide" Story

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Oh this story is so, so sad. Counseling should be so much more readily available, *good* counseling.

My first experience with the abortion issue was when I was 16 and in 11th grade. I had a good friend who was Jewish...orthodox Jewish. She went to a party and got drunk and had sex with some young man. When she found out she was pregnant she went to her father because her mother was very traditional. Her father didn't want her to embarrass the family so they never told the mother and he flew her to New York to visit 'friends' where she had an abortion. She was never the same.

I took her home with me one time and she met my Mom and Mom talked to her about Jesus. She told me that she only knew Jesus to be a cuss word but when she came in my house she could feel something different. Through the years I have wondered what happened to her..I trust she found her way to Jehoveh.

Blessigns, Rhoni
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Old 07-28-2008, 07:12 PM
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Re: Sad "Abortion led to Sucide" Story

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
My first experience with the abortion issue was when I was 16 and in 11th grade. I had a good friend who was Jewish...orthodox Jewish. She went to a party and got drunk and had sex with some young man. When she found out she was pregnant she went to her father because her mother was very traditional. Her father didn't want her to embarrass the family so they never told the mother and he flew her to New York to visit 'friends' where she had an abortion. She was never the same.

I took her home with me one time and she met my Mom and Mom talked to her about Jesus. She told me that she only knew Jesus to be a cuss word but when she came in my house she could feel something different. Through the years I have wondered what happened to her..I trust she found her way to Jehoveh.

Blessigns, Rhoni
It is so sad when a baby is considered an embarrassment, a problem something to just be done away with. But each baby is someone. Who gives us the right to decide if someone lives or dies. It is so sad when it is a federal offense to break an eagle's egg but we can kill thousands of unborn babies every day.
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Old 07-28-2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: Sad "Abortion led to Sucide" Story

Originally Posted by King's Child View Post
It is so sad when a baby is considered an embarrassment, a problem something to just be done away with. But each baby is someone. Who gives us the right to decide if someone lives or dies. It is so sad when it is a federal offense to break an eagle's egg but we can kill thousands of unborn babies every day.
I agree!

Blessings, Rhoni
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