You just struck the chords that I've been thinking of since this started...I knew it would end up here.
My two points I would have LIKED to have stated, but didn't want to ruin this thread, but it's ruined now anyway, so oh well...was that 1.) peer pressure IS a very powerful thing. And 2.) disagreeing with your pastor.
I just couldn't bring myself to take my daughter to a standards teaching church while not holding to and agreeing with the standards. Why would I take her someplace that is self-defeating in its purpose? Take her to church to be saved, only to have her realize she's not REALLY saved because she doesn't conform to the standards like all the other little girls. The peer pressure on her at that particular age would have been something that would form who she is for the rest of her life.
It's really a no-win situation. You're going to disagree with both, so I would do exactly what Coop is doing. Choose the lesser of two weevils. Look normal on the outside, and KNOW your God on the inside. Only the standards-keeping pastor would know you were disagreeing with him. (Which translates into disobeying your pastor, which translates into rebel, which translates into...well, you get the picture.)
We attend a UPC church and disagree with the standards and the pastor on that issue. My husband will not go to a trinitarian church and as he is our spiritual leader, he gets to make that decision. I wear skirts to church and may hair is long but trimmed (although it's not obvious, I still have a lot of split ends ). My pastor focuses on the heart, though, and doesn't clothesline preach. I don't think we have to agree with everything the pastor says in order to attend, and I don't think it's a problem to teach our children that we have areas of disagreement and the man of God is not infallible.
I am so happy for your kiddos Coop! Its an awesome thing!
My youngest got the holy ghost a week ago and my best friends daughter was here and saw her get the holy ghost... well last night I got a call and her daughter got the holy ghost as well! A lil push never hurts... we will pray that maybe now that he and she have both been baptized that maybe it will get him more anxious!
I am so happy for your kiddos Coop! Its an awesome thing!
My youngest got the holy ghost a week ago and my best friends daughter was here and saw her get the holy ghost... well last night I got a call and her daughter got the holy ghost as well! A lil push never hurts... we will pray that maybe now that he and she have both been baptized that maybe it will get him more anxious!