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Old 01-12-2008, 12:08 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Now this post was Hilarious

Do you believe in the 4 fold ministry or the 5 fold ministry????

Do you believe like the church of Christ that Prophecy & gifts of the spirit have been done away with ???

HO, If you feel this way because of the abuse that most of us have seen,I can understand your feelings.I've seen the horror too BUT! have we not seen horific abuse take place from Pastors??? So does that give us the right to do away with Pastors because some have abused their positions?
I was speaking more about those who come to service with the specific intent of reading people's mail. I have seen big name people do some stupid and unconventional things.
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Old 01-12-2008, 12:16 PM
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One of my all time favorites is "you have condition in the lower area of your body." What and where that is?
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Old 01-12-2008, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Boy, could I tell you some stories, but I won't do it on here! I've seen him be right-on and I've seen him be way off. He told me something once that was very embarrassing and very FAR from truth. I would not go back after that. He has had quite a following in this part of the country though.
The thing is if it was an embarrassing situation...he should have told you in your ear...not in the mic. Being FAR from the truth...he got that WRONG!!!
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Old 01-12-2008, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
One of my all time favorites is "you have condition in the lower area of your body." What and where that is?
My FIL was very straight forward and blunt at times. Bro. Pierce went to him saying,"you have a condition in the lower area of your body", and my FIL said back to him, "Nope, you're wrong!"

He died about 6 years ago of a heart condition, which would be in the upper part of his body! Bro. Pierce had a 50/50 chance and missed it!
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Old 01-12-2008, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
The thing is if it was an embarrassing situation...he should have told you in your ear...not in the mic. Being FAR from the truth...he got that WRONG!!!
I was a young pastor's wife, just moved to the area, and didn't know a lot of the people in the UPC churches. Just about the whole Section was there that night. He had me come to the front and told everyone that I had a problem, but it was X-rated and he couldn't talk about it. He went on and on, making it sound like I was into some perverted king of lifestyle! To this day, I have no idea what in the world he meant, but I was SOOOOOO embarrassed! After church, even family members were asking me if there was something I needed to "talk about"!
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Old 01-12-2008, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Pianoman View Post
My FIL was very straight forward and blunt at times. Bro. Pierce went to him saying,"you have a condition in the lower area of your body", and my FIL said back to him, "Nope, you're wrong!"

He died about 6 years ago of a heart condition, which would be in the upper part of his body! Bro. Pierce had a 50/50 chance and missed it!
that is a trip because Pierce was at my father in laws church also and told him he had medical problems but it was not his heart, it was his stomach. He died a year later from a heart attack... He had heart trouble for years.

Hmm. I wonder !!!

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Old 01-12-2008, 11:19 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Originally Posted by philjones View Post
Actually, Mark, I tend to agree with HeavenlyOne. I am of the opinion that the gifts belong to the church, not to a man. I think it is contrary to scripture for folks to go around and say I have the gift of prophecy or the gift of healing. I believe that those gifts belong to THE CHURCH and should continually be in operation in THE CHURCH but not necessarily in specific men who travel around like some $5 side show or circus. It is the FCs and MBs of the world that lead to the accusations against ministries of false prophets or, in some cases, profiteers. I also think claiming the possession of the gift puts pressure on the "possesser" to perform... often, unfortunately, in the flesh!

I do believe that there are some who are used in certain gifts more often because they make themselves available to and are receptive to the specific move and desire of the Holy Ghost. I do NOT believe these men HAVE the gift... more that the gift HAS THEM when needed.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 01-13-2008, 12:14 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post

I actually agree with both of you.

maybe we are talking about 2 dif. things
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Old 01-13-2008, 07:47 AM
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Gifts and callings of God are without repentance. They are God given. He does not change his mind in conferring those gifts and callings upon whom he has called and chosen. It is still another thing to be found faithful.

Both gifts and callings are polluted when "self" is alive and active. Both gifts and callings are diluted when the love of God is mixed with love of "self."

When SELF is alive and active in both callings and gifts, it is not longer Christ that lives in me but it is I
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Old 10-13-2011, 01:19 PM
AreYouReady? AreYouReady? is offline
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Re: Prophet Charles Pierce out of Ms. anyone know

Well, I've read every post in this thread. All I can say is that my experience was quite different.

Brother Pierce came to the church I was attending at the time. Now mind you, the churches in this area were split towards their feelings about Bro. Pierce. Some of the churches would never consider him to be a Brother in the Lord, thus never invited him to hold a revival in their church. Some even preached against anybody from their congregation to visit the churches that did allow Bro. Pierce to see for themselves if God used him prophetically or not. (one of the things that got me lambasted when I went to see for myself )

Well back to my story.

I was sitting in the congregation, emotionally hurting as I testified in another thread about my condition at that time. Brother Pierce started preaching and decided to come off the podium and walk the aisle while he preached. He passed me and my family. At that moment, I felt a huge swelling of emotion in my chest about my pain and suffering. It was centered right where my heart is located. There was no pain, just flooding with emotions. After Brother Pierce walked past us and down the aisle, he stopped talking, turned around and looked straight at me. He walked up closer looking at me and my baby who was running up and down the pew and said, "That I was hurt (in my womb) giving birth to my baby". There was some truth to that because I had a somewhat difficult birth. But then his eyes narrowed somewhat as he looked at me. He then told the congregation "That woman has been hurt". But this time he was not talking about my physical condition. He walked closer to me and started talking to me. He said again, "This woman has been hurt. (and told me) You never mind about them! God is going to take care of them. You just live your life with all your heart for God. Love God and live for Him".

The host pastor's wife, who knew somewhat about my plight (God rest her soul she passed away last year) came up to me after service and wanted me to know that she said nothing to him about what had happened to me.

Now this may not mean much to anybody else, but it was validation for me to continue to press on. I felt like God was seeing my pain and letting me know that He was still in control and that HE still loves me.

You see, when we look at the gifts being used coming from God through man, we should not see a mere man from which the gift is flowing through as being the one who is mighty. That is always a mistake. We must always recognize that it is God who distributes the gift and through the Holy Ghost it must flow.

That must have happened at least fifteen years ago. I haven't been in any revivals that had him as guest evangelist in a long time. But, we plan to go to Meridian soon for a first time visit.
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