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Old 11-08-2007, 05:25 PM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
If you were to discover at some point that the best internet filters were no longer good enough -- the technology can't keep up with the purveyors of filth who try to break through -- would you strengthen your beliefs and add the internet to the list of Don'ts?
Yeah, I would.
Does nothing ever get through, even now? If a few things get by, how many is too many?
I have'nt had anything inapropriate come through in so long I can't remember.
The only exeption being one email adress I had, started getting spam usualy along the lines of credit card offers, insurance quotes and other anoying junkmail. It then recieved two offers to "enlarge your ...... size" so I shut down the account, and no longer use that provider. My filters filtered out everything but the text, but still, I dont want that crud in my house.
If it got to a point where it was not controlable, I would certainly stop using it.
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Old 11-08-2007, 05:29 PM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Why would someone be against a stove but have no problems with a microwave?
Again, you are comparing an apple to a fruit basket.
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Old 11-08-2007, 05:37 PM

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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
Again, you are comparing an apple to a fruit basket.
I agree, a fruit basket could be full of apples and you allow the fruit basket but not a specific apple... I think that is a perfect analogy.
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Old 11-08-2007, 06:40 PM
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This thread needs answers from RKS

Last viewed- 11-06-2007, 07:46 PM
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
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Old 11-08-2007, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
This thread needs answers from RKS

Last viewed- 11-06-2007, 07:46 PM

After over seven hundred posts and over 70 pages I think it is clear actually responding to any questions is outside of RKS's interest.

He seems limited to what I am sure he considers a priceless insight he has adopted as an annoying repretitive mantra.
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Old 11-08-2007, 07:53 PM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
I agree, a fruit basket could be full of apples and you allow the fruit basket but not a specific apple... I think that is a perfect analogy.

Now you are just being difficult and obnoxious.

I didn't say an "apple and a basket of apples."
I said "an apple and a fruit basket."

You have given no indication that you are ignorant, so I must assume that you are just being difficult and obnoxious.

I'll not waste any more time with these attitudes.
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Old 11-08-2007, 07:57 PM

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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
Now you are just being difficult and obnoxious.

I didn't say an "apple and a basket of apples."
I said "an apple and a fruit basket."

You have given no indication that you are ignorant, so I must assume that you are just being difficult and obnoxious.

I'll not waste any more time with these attitudes.
Where did I say a basket of apples? Most fruit baskets I have seen have apples as one of the fruits in them, just like the internet has motion video as one of the resources that can be used with it.

I am not being difficult or obnoxious, so I am obviously ignorant (especially when it comes to technology, I have very little knowledge in that arena...)
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Old 11-08-2007, 08:25 PM
meBNme meBNme is offline
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Originally Posted by Sheltiedad View Post
Where did I say a basket of apples?
Where did you say it?

I agree, a fruit basket could be full of apples and you allow the fruit basket but not a specific apple... I think that is a perfect analogy.
Most fruit baskets I have seen have apples as one of the fruits in them, just like the internet has motion video as one of the resources that can be used with it.
Yes, an apple as one of the many fruits. And if, in the analogy, the apple is the TV, then one can take the apple out of the basket and still enjoy the fruit.
You block the evil on the internet, and enjoy the rest of the basket.)
And as I stated earlier, up to this point, I have not found a reliable way to separate the many rotten areas of the TV apple from the few good areas, so I throw out the whole apple.

Do you think the Internet is evil?
I am not being difficult or obnoxious, so I am obviously ignorant (especially when it comes to technology, I have very little knowledge in that arena...)
And thats not being difficult or obnoxious?
Taking something out of context? Attempting to make it seem as if I were insinuatiing you were ignorant, when I plainly stated you were not?
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Old 11-08-2007, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
No it isn't, not anything of the sort. See, you are assuming that everyone who has an issue with TV believes that TV is evil, and you're going to burn if you touch one.
Where did I say that? I was simply replying to what someone actually said here recently

You forget the fact that the reason we have an issue with TV is because of SOME of the content that's on it.
Nope...who is "we"? Are you claiming to represent all anti-TV persons? I DO infact know some that sya TV is evil. Also those that are NOT against TV also say SOME of the content that is on it they have a problem with. Then again SOME of the content on the Internet is problematic too

Content that seems to be hard to reliably filter and keep clean.(now I understand some have said there are devices available now that will do so. I have not checked into them yet, so for now my opinion on TV still stands.)
Filters for the TV. Filters for the Internet...what filters your eyes and ears every day though?

Again, you have to draw the line somewhere, and since the Internet is easily controlled/filtered/censored and one can easily take part in the good of the web without being exposed to the bad, some of us have no issue with it.
The issue is compromise. The Internet is NOT as easily filtered or controlled or censored. In fact there is no world governing body censoring the Internet like public, non-premium TV is. You have to PAY to get rated X TV and even rated R. But on the Internet that stuff is so widely available to anyone, even kids. You can easily take part of the good on TV and not the bad by simply NOT getting certain channels and or only going to the channels that are educational. In fact you can pre-program the Remote to only allow those channels.

On any given day a spammer can register here and post porn before we can get a chance to catch it. So why not just get rid of it all and not take any chances?

Folks, make up your own minds.
Yes, make up your own minds....uh...well it's really NOT that easy if you belong to a church and you have decided to believe everything that is preached. I wish more people can make up their own minds without being brow beaten from the pulpit of constantly having "positive peer pressure" used as a coercive tactic in the local church.

Make your own salvation sure. To many are too busy whining about a standard that has been set, and bashing anyone who believes in the standard, that they can't see the forest for the trees.
Being "set" does not equal being "true" and the converse of your statement is just as true...those that DON'T have the same standards as others are often bashed and trashed and even called backsliders, reprobates etc etc...see Caston Smith's "article"

Is the gospel preached? Are lost souls being reached?
Somewhere they are, I am sure of that. Im not sure what this point is supposed to mean

Then why have a hanky stomping hissy fit over a standard? Get your pentecostal panties out of a bunch, and focus on the JOY of the Holy Ghost before you have an aneurysm!
I agree...why ARE you guys having a hanky stomping hissy fit over a standard? Res 4 did NOT change anyone's standard. In the UPC all churches are autonomous...It did not require all church to preach it's ok to have TV. It did not forbid any church to preach against TV. It did not force any church to alter it's standards by the smallest margin...yet apparently they are not just focusing on the Joy of the Holy Ghost. They are having meetings...NOT to reach lost souls, but to talk about these issues. They are turning in their licenses. They were and are doing letter writing campaigns

So not everyone sees things like you do! Big fat hairy deal!
Oh brother. I don't give a hoot if not everyone sees things like I do..

Are they a brother? A sister? Then why get all uptight because someone chooses to live a little stricter than you
Whose uptight? It sounds like you are. BTW Many of them DON'T consider US a brother or a sister.

I am new to this forum, and I am sure it happens both ways, but so far I have only seen the people who choose a lesser standard having issue with those who choose a stricter standard.
A lesser standard...lol.... IF that is all you see then perhaps you just aren't reading the right threads or you are not very objective.

Why? Is Buford going to hell because he chooses to be a little more conservative than you? Is your little world going to end because Gertrude
wants to wear skirts that drag the ground and not watch TV?
LOL...talk about red herrings. Nobody even HINTED that someone that is a little more conservative than us is going to hell. ROFL...See how they operate? All I did was express my opinion on the idea of compromise, Internet and TV. I never mentioned skirts either...don't you think that's a little hysterical of you?

OK, so if a person has drawn their line, their conviction, at TV and are OK with the web, what is so wrong with them using it for things other than work?
I already said what the point was. Compromise. You don't NEED it. You can find another job. If they were really consistent and not compromisers, get rid of everything and anything and not make excuses because they need it for their jobs or....why not just use it ONLY for their job instead of surfing the web or visiting forums like this?

Does the Bible say we are not to do anything for entertainment?
No..which is exactly my point. Just because TV is not useful for someones JOB does not make it wrong. Entertainment is not a sin
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Old 11-08-2007, 09:14 PM

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Originally Posted by meBNme View Post
Where did you say it?

Yes, an apple as one of the many fruits. And if, in the analogy, the apple is the TV, then one can take the apple out of the basket and still enjoy the fruit.
You block the evil on the internet, and enjoy the rest of the basket.)
And as I stated earlier, up to this point, I have not found a reliable way to separate the many rotten areas of the TV apple from the few good areas, so I throw out the whole apple.

Do you think the Internet is evil?

And thats not being difficult or obnoxious?
Taking something out of context? Attempting to make it seem as if I were insinuatiing you were ignorant, when I plainly stated you were not?
You are out of my league, I will just watch you work...
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