Originally Posted by AR Pastor
There is no way to use the fifth of Hollywood, the god of sports, or jewelry in the right way.
Just as I have stated over and over. those who want the whiskers are the same ones that want these other thing.
I for one am not going to sit and listen to man that has filled his mind with movies and the god of sports. If that is the kind of man you want reaching to you then so be it, but not me.
Plus my world is not small. Have a lot of fellowship. And I have two grow children, both living for God.
This is where you are very wrong, a Godly man can have a TV and use it in a very good and balanced way. You could go to Wal-Mart and commit the same sin that a man that doesn't have proper bounds on his TV commits.
As for jewelry, not any problem with that, but I do wear a silver wedding ring with a diamond. A silver watch with a leather band. Surely you don't call that evil or sinful.
Why are you so afraid of the use of good things that God has given to his human creation, it is his world, used in the proper way it is His blessings!!!
When you live in a "spiritual delusion" you marginalize and demonize this earth that God gave for his creation to enjoy in righteousness! It is HIS creation and HE made it for man, stop it with demonizing what HE called GOOD. Yes, evil exists and man can chose to practice sin and evil, but everything in the world is not evil. GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD....love not the world neither the things that are in the world......! You have to rightly divide the WORD in the character and the nature of God, otherwise you can make scripture say anything you want to believe.
Same goes for sports, I enjoy baseball, watch it on my TV, but I'm not obsessed with it, nor is it in ANY my God, for goodness sakes man.