They are thinking of Jesus and how great they are feeling at that very moment, it's the guy or gal walking out in a huff, who is thinking of something else.
Hey, that's totally cool, why stay anywhere that's not custom tailored to what you want. 31 FLAVORS you have your pick in America. There's a very interesting book out you should look at it's called "Shopping for God"
No, it must be from all the laughter that I'm doing as I'm answering a post.
Listen who ever you are, I don't take this stuff personally, I am writing other material while I answer posts, and not trying to get anyone flipped out.
If you're offended just say "Evang.Benincasa you're offending me" and I will apologize and move on. Look you're not even using your name; I haven't the foggiest idea who or what you are, so please forgive me if I'm having too much fun. Again, this is not personal so don't take it that way.
Yes, it is ridiculous, and you win a cookie, we are talking about a church singing songs that they like and have fun with. If you don't like what a certain congregation does, then you are more than welcome not to darken their door way ever again. They would probably miss you and wonder why the fuss over their song, but you are free to do as you please. Also the beauty of this country allows all men and women to have freedom to worship as they please. God bless America.
Then use that thought when dealing with those who sing those songs.
Who said they weren't? Let's no make this something it's not, shall we?
It would seem to me that it's you who needs to hold on. No problem on this end.
Everyone has an argument, but not everyone has to fight.
We can argue and do it without problems. We can also be humerous while we are at it. We can shoot from the hip and not hurt each other. If you're being offended then I'm sorry, people do things for different reasons. Just as fast as you say that I come off wrong when people are not seeing it my way 100% then where do you come off having any comment about the "split skirt" song in the first place? That's what I think is so silly, you're making a judgement against those who would sing those songs in their worship?
Doesn't that place you in the position that you claim that I'm putting myself in?
Pick one how? You made a statement and I answered it. You said you would leave a church that would sing such a song and I had fun with that.
What's the problem? You made a judgement and I made a judgement.
Bravo! So while you are in your church on Sunday know that the Brother who started this thread may be singing the Bobbed Hair song in his church.
While you are speaking in tongues in your place of worship, he will speaking in tongues in his place of worship. Everyone will be blessed and no one will have to leave after the singers sit down.
Sleep tight.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa