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Old 02-20-2008, 09:58 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
Those are his affiliations, but do they embrace him like the Democrats embrace the Communist Party of the USA? Chris, It's one thing to be affiliated with a particular group, but if that group doesn't endorse them, it isn't the same as giving them a pat on the back.
Can you name a Democrat that embraces the Communist Party of the USA? I’m sure there may be some, but so far the rule was we had to provide names and documentation. In fact there are Trotskyites in the neo-conservative wing of the Republican Party (Wolfowitz, Burnham, and Kristol) that have advocated greatly expanding the power of government in areas that may even violate civil liberties.

My aunt-in-law, Terri McCoy, functioned as the president of the Ohio League of Women Voters and her husband, Rev. David McCoy, served as the dean of the Anglican Academy in Columbus Ohio. My mother-in-law, Ann Lieberman, is the chapter chair of the blue collar chapter of Local 101. All have connections with the Democratic Party leadership and have afforded me the privilege to meet with some very interesting people in the Democratic Party and talk with them personally. None of which were communists. You could say that I’ve gotten to know the Democrats rather well. While I disagree with them on some issues I can testify that they are no more communistic than the Republican Party, who through the Faith Based Initiative is even co-opting the church for the social aspects of its agenda. In fact most Democrats can be described politically as following the political philosophy known as Third Way that favors a mixed Social Democracy.

Even Republicans have been moving this direction in America because it’s just the way the global economy is going and social democracies function quite well in it. Not to mention the globalist socialism of the Republicans. If you follow the money the Republicans redistribute our wealth to third world countries and new nation projects through their globalist agendas. The Republicans have even been huge advocates of using your tax dollars to fund the Iraqi Ministry of Health and its national health care system to cover all Iraqi citizens. Yep…you’re tax dollars are making sure all Iraqis have health insurance, while 47 million Americans don’t have the coverage they need, 1800 die each year because of lack of coverage, and 25000 declare bankruptcy loosing all they’ve ever worked for because they can’t afford their medical bills. So, while the Republicans talk like they’re all “capitalistic”, the Republican Party has yet to find a globalist socialist agenda it couldn’t fund. I’m suspicious of the Trotskyite Neo-Cons. It seems that they discovered that America was never going to loose it’s wealth and standing in the world by adopting hard line Communism…so they joined the Republican Party and now work to redistribute our wealth to the third world, in nation building projects, provide massive tax breaks to companies that leave the US, and frankly…bleed us dry. Also, when I look at the wealthiest and most powerful, private interests in the world, and their agenda for a New World Order, it makes me real suspicious of the Republicans. But that’s all my opinion. But some love the Socialist Republican Party of Globalism.

You even have “Reagan Democrats” who are in the DLC and the Blue Dog Democrat Coalition who have a strong voice in the Democratic Party. There is a also coalition of Pro-Life Democratic leaders who are part of the DFLA (Democrats for Life of America) and the DFV (Democrats for Values) who have been key with Republican Pro-Life efforts.

Bro. Eastman, this is why the “guilt by association” tactic doesn’t provide a true picture of anything, especially when dealing with something as broad as a political party. The need isn’t to go chasing endless rabbit trails pointing to the extremists in either party. We have to focus on the factual details of each of the nominee’s character, vision, positions, initiatives, and experience.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:00 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

i do have to admit that i find chris assertions about nazis and david duke somewhat ridiculous, a jaded attempt to defend the defenseless, if it is true that the people in that office didnt even know who he was, then there ignorance condems them of utter stupidity, that pictrue will haunt obama for sure, lol,dt
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChicagoPastor View Post
Before you all "jump" me, hear me out.
I know that as Christians, we all usually vote Republican because of our values. We HAVE a Republican in office and homosexual marriage/rights is moving right along...abortions haven't stopped. So obviously putting a Republican in the office doesn't change those issues.

Why shouldn't I vote for Barak? He's a fresh voice, people are comparing him to JFK...I realisticly do not believe Huck's going to do anything...I don't know if I want McCain as President, nor do I think he'll win....

So we have two choices Hillary or Barak.........why shouldn't I vote for Barak????
For the same reason you do not let folks walk in your front door and pick your wallet up from your table and walk out...
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:22 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
I think this is a representative sampling.

Chris, I expressed appreciation for the fact that you have claimed Che as a team member.
Mischaracterization: I never claimed Che as a “team member”. I’ve expressed that I thought he was a madman.

I was serious.
I can’t take one who mischaracterizes and lies about me seriously.

In typical fashion, you have reputiated and defended Che. You have expressed distaste for him and at the same time, excused those who support both Che and Obama.
No. I simply expressed that these were volunteers and their own views are their own views and do not officially represent Obama or his personal views. I excused them? Hmmmm….what do you recommend I do fly down and shoot them? It’s America. They can choose to be hard-line Stalinists for all I care. They’re just a bunch of nuts.

Now for the reason I stated my appreciation of your claiming Che as one of your own…

we were discussing this radical leftwing murderer (and you were defending those who like the guy)..... when you went on the tirade about Republicans being supported by racists and Nazis.
Please give me a statement DEFENDING them other than expressing that they obviously see him as a revolutionary symbol. You’re over re-acting, mischaracterizing, and slandering me. Real Christian of you.

I am forced to assume that if you mean to suggest that skinheads in Ohio are members of the Republican party, then Che represents an idology that finds a home in your Democratic party.
No, my point was that each party has its extremists and nut cases. Geesh. You’re really lost in your own reality.

thus my comment... which I stand by.
Father God, please oh Lord, I ask that you forgive Ferd and not hold him accountable for his actions here. Though he stand by his words I ask that you not hold him accountable. I ask that you help him to understand and help him to seek to find peace with me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Thank you for admitting that Che is on your team
Ferd, I’ve tried several times to clarify what I feel. Yet you still harass me with a blatant mischaracterization. I’ve expressed how much it upsets me that you would say such a thing. Yet you continue to harass me. Why are you doing this?
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:22 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
For the same reason you do not let folks walk in your front door and pick your wallet up from your table and walk out...
now that is funny neck, but true, that dude wants to fund it all and give it all away, problem is he has to get it from us, lol,dt
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:26 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Chris, you continue to make about as much since as a football bat.

henry waxman is a commie to his core.

Obamas wife just this weekend stated that this was the first time in her adult life that she was really proud of her country.

want to run down the list of nutjobs in Hollywierd who are the money behind the democrat party who have also come out in support of out and out communists?

do you want to talk about the ones who have spent time with Castro and that freak in Venesulla?

dude, your party is full of God Hating, America Hating, communists.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Mischaracterization: I never claimed Che as a “team member”. I’ve expressed that I thought he was a madman.

I can’t take one who mischaracterizes and lies about me seriously.

No. I simply expressed that these were volunteers and their own views are their own views and do not officially represent Obama or his personal views. I excused them? Hmmmm….what do you recommend I do fly down and shoot them? It’s America. They can choose to be hard-line Stalinists for all I care. They’re just a bunch of nuts.

Please give me a statement DEFENDING them other than expressing that they obviously see him as a revolutionary symbol. You’re over re-acting, mischaracterizing, and slandering me. Real Christian of you.

No, my point was that each party has its extremists and nut cases. Geesh. You’re really lost in your own reality.

Father God, please oh Lord, I ask that you forgive Ferd and not hold him accountable for his actions here. Though he stand by his words I ask that you not hold him accountable. I ask that you help him to understand and help him to seek to find peace with me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Ferd, I’ve tried several times to clarify what I feel. Yet you still harass me with a blatant mischaracterization. I’ve expressed how much it upsets me that you would say such a thing. Yet you continue to harass me. Why are you doing this?
So it is perfectly fine for you to point out that Nazi's and Skinheads are on my team, but when I point to Che being on your team, the sweet clean Lord Jesus Chirst needs to forgive me?

If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:31 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
now that is funny neck, but true, that dude wants to fund it all and give it all away, problem is he has to get it from us, lol,dt
How on earth does he plan on paying teachers more across the country? Everytime he speaks somebody gets a hand out.
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:31 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by DividedThigh View Post
i do have to admit that i find chris assertions about nazis and david duke somewhat ridiculous, a jaded attempt to defend the defenseless, if it is true that the people in that office didnt even know who he was, then there ignorance condems them of utter stupidity, that pictrue will haunt obama for sure, lol,dt
That picture isn’t going to haunt Obama. Even Fox News reported that it was a volunteer office that wasn’t officially connected in any way to the Obama campaign. Odds are no legitimate news agency will pick up the story again. It’s not connected to Obama in any official capacity.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:32 AM
DividedThigh DividedThigh is offline
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

i am in agreement with you ferd i will no more address the young lad who is so determined to be a democrat and yet wants me to sanction his ideas, get real, god bless you my friend, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
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