And then there's my first wife, of blessed memory.
She was diagnosed with leukemia at 23 (we were married only a month) and had to have her spleen removed because it shut down from the proliferation of white blood cells. A bone marrow transplant was the only medical solution. She was not a backslider and lived a godly life. Her father is a Pentecostal preacher and she grew up as a PK. Prayer and fasting took place, and we waited for God to act. After months, there was no deliverance and she was dying. Action was required.
Her siblings (4) were tested, along with her parents. Not one of them had an HLA tissue match (the requirement to prevent rejection of organs).
The doctors had a plan to do something which had never been tried before. They chose to use the bone marrow from her elder sister; the HLA was not the same, but they had the same blood type, O-.
The transplant was a success, with only one side effect: my wife's nasal membranes swelled to where she couldn't breath through her nose. She dealt with that for six years, and then it went away one day. They declared her as 'cured' in the official sense.
The doctors tried this same exact procedure on 3 others and it failed miserably. They called my wife, "The Miracle Girl." Tell me that's not God.
Eight years after the transplant, she had a complete physical and was given a clean bill of health. Three weeks later, we were in Church on a Sunday morning like usual and then went for fellowship with another Church couple. She complained of flu-like symptoms and the couple prayed with us for her healing. We went home.
Her symptoms became worse. Her dad prayed for her. Our Pastor prayed for her. Finally, she went to the hospital. She was with me Sunday morning and with Jesus on Sunday night. The cause of death was Fulminant Sepsis, with no evidence of entry or anything; an infection with no evidence of cause or type. The point of and infection's entry is always identifiable, yet there was no evidence, though her whole body had the infection. Even more curious, the type of infection could not be identified. The Coroner's Office is mystified to this day.
Debbie was prayed for by the best, trusted God, and was NOT living in sin.
Oneness Man, after what you told Barb, it's hard to tell if you're speaking from the hip or from your seat. I don't know what else to say beyond this other than 'God bless you and may He give you wisdom.'
Amazing post!
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
Where did you ever get the idea the Bible calls medication witchcraft?
Can you explain that association at all? I am really confused. I would like to have civil conversation about this.
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No one said no such thing. Where did you get that poppycock from? It wasn't from me because I never said that all medication = witchcraft. Actually, I never said any medication = witchcraft. You read something that wasn't even said.
What happened to the title then?
Lol just pointing that out.
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Where did you ever get the idea the Bible calls medication witchcraft?
Can you explain that association at all? I am really confused. I would like to have civil conversation about this.
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I will get back with you on this later, but right now I have more important things to do and only signed on here to let you know.
BTW, God has given me the wisdom on this.
All righty then, hurry back cause gus is on a leave of absence from this judgemental forum.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8 KJV
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2 KJV
The many references to wine, oil, balms used in a healing way. BTW, should I let those little babies die if I pray and nothing happens?
A friend of mine's wife. Before they were married. They did not believe in going to Doctors at all. Their 14 yr. old son went into a coma and died 3 days later. Diabetes. Take your meds and go to the Doctor in Jesus name. Or at least don't put them beliefs on your babies. Got a brain.. use it.
I have read that the latin word Pharmikia (means sorcery).. thus the word pharmecutical (meds, drugs). Just because language was put together in a certain way, does not make it 100% accurate. I regularly take a med and I know its not witch craft. I work with some bi-polar dudes, and I am ohh so thankful they take their medicine. Like a liver,heart or foot having a problem.. so can a brain. Just my thoughts. God bless.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.