Originally Posted by Quixotic
MArk, aS YOU rELISh iN yOuR lAtesT NeWs FlasH aND As BeING THe PoT StirrER Your TAgLinE sTates,
Do YOu BeLIEve ThAt PoSTs LIkE tHEsE ThrOughOUt all OF LasT YeAr cONTribuTed To ThE BaD bLood BetWeeN CerAin SidEs?
DiD YoU PlaY A RoLE iN CoNSErvAtiveS LeAvinG?
Nope I never Brought it up til AFTER they left.
They told ME that this was one of the reasons why
they left along with a few other reasons.
I didn't add the "pot stirrer" - I believe MIke or Renda did
that (or one of the admin) without my acknowledgement
Why are you writing like that?