I have and do but sometimes God uses the gifts He's given man to save them. It is obvious....to most..that Scripture commends the proper use of medicines and for me to withhold obvious life saving efforts would be criminal.
But again, in case I'm not a good speed pray-er I better give the life saving medication.
The many references to wine, oil, balms used in a healing way. BTW, should I let those little babies die if I pray and nothing happens?
No, you shouldn't let them die, a lot of Apostolics seem to think that I was saying that taking medication is witchcraft, but I was not. I do believe that people who are on medications are in bondage though.
WOW!!! You are actually discussing this with me, that is unusual for a Apostolic to be able to discuss something like this.
No, you shouldn't let them die, a lot of Apostolics seem to think that I was saying that taking medication is witchcraft, but I was not. I do believe that people who are on medications are in bondage though.
WOW!!! You are actually discussing this with me, that is unusual for a Apostolic to be able to discuss something like this.
You mis-speak. I'm not a oneness pentecostal.
It's tough to see otherwise when you've labeled your thread Witchcraft = medication and you state that medication messes with the mind.
There are many parents that thank God I helped their babies using drugs.
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
It's tough to see otherwise when you've labeled your thread Witchcraft = medication and you state that medication messes with the mind when much of it doesn't.
I didn't think you were and I am not sure how I knew that. That is what the bible says about it and that is why the title is named as such.
No, you shouldn't let them die, a lot of Apostolics seem to think that I was saying that taking medication is witchcraft, but I was not. I do believe that people who are on medications are in bondage though.
WOW!!! You are actually discussing this with me, that is unusual for a Apostolic to be able to discuss something like this.
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
You mis-speak. I'm not a oneness pentecostal.
It's tough to see otherwise when you've labeled your thread Witchcraft = medication and you state that medication messes with the mind.
There are many parents that thank God I helped their babies using drugs.
Originally Posted by Oneness Man
I didn't think you were and I am not sure how I knew that. That is what the bible says about it and that is why the title is named as such.
Credible? We report you decide.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
Are you for real, or just someone who enjoys pushing buttons?!
My 20 yr. old nephew had diabetes, went into a coma and died.
John was prayed for by heaven's best, trusted God and was NOT living in sin...it is best that I stay away from this thread for real this time.
And then there's my first wife, of blessed memory.
She was diagnosed with leukemia at 23 (we were married only a month) and had to have her spleen removed because it shut down from the proliferation of white blood cells. A bone marrow transplant was the only medical solution. She was not a backslider and lived a godly life. Her father is a Pentecostal preacher and she grew up as a PK. Prayer and fasting took place, and we waited for God to act. After months, there was no deliverance and she was dying. Action was required.
Her siblings (4) were tested, along with her parents. Not one of them had an HLA tissue match (the requirement to prevent rejection of organs).
The doctors had a plan to do something which had never been tried before. They chose to use the bone marrow from her elder sister; the HLA was not the same, but they had the same blood type, O-.
The transplant was a success, with only one side effect: my wife's nasal membranes swelled to where she couldn't breath through her nose. She dealt with that for six years, and then it went away one day. They declared her as 'cured' in the official sense.
The doctors tried this same exact procedure on 3 others and it failed miserably. They called my wife, "The Miracle Girl." Tell me that's not God.
Eight years after the transplant, she had a complete physical and was given a clean bill of health. Three weeks later, we were in Church on a Sunday morning like usual and then went for fellowship with another Church couple. She complained of flu-like symptoms and the couple prayed with us for her healing. We went home.
Her symptoms became worse. Her dad prayed for her. Our Pastor prayed for her. Finally, she went to the hospital. She was with me Sunday morning and with Jesus on Sunday night. The cause of death was Fulminant Sepsis, with no evidence of entry or anything; an infection with no evidence of cause or type. The point of and infection's entry is always identifiable, yet there was no evidence, though her whole body had the infection. Even more curious, the type of infection could not be identified. The Coroner's Office is mystified to this day.
Debbie was prayed for by the best, trusted God, and was NOT living in sin.
Oneness Man, after what you told Barb, it's hard to tell if you're speaking from the hip or from your seat. I don't know what else to say beyond this other than 'God bless you and may He give you wisdom.'
I’m not a scholar, just a crazy Jewish Believer who wants to see no one deceived and everyone saved.
Shalom uv’racha b’shem Yeshua Mishikheinu!
Peace and blessings unto you in the Name of Yeshua, Our Messiah!