what kinda bums me out and is putting a major crimp on my Mensa nomination is my old age.
Since it is an intelligence "quotient" that miserable denominator/divisor comes into play --age!
Pertaining to the content represented on most IQ questions, I pretty much knew the majority of the stuff back in college that I still know in the old folk's home (this despite my daily diet of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune). That silly quotient keeps shrinking in reaction to my bottom (denominator) getting bigger.
If we have folks here that are over 40 and still putting up quotients of 130+, please send your intelligent thoughts to V.P. Cheney on how to put an end to sectarian violence in Iraq...and how to bring about whirled peas.
At one time there was an internet site that had these tests available. Why don't we all go there and get our current number and then come back, compare ourselves one to another and then definitively settle who is the most intelligent fool among us is!