Originally Posted by winklebottom
I have always heard that if you are gonna go "running around the church" your eyes better be closed so everyone knows you are in the spirit...not flesh.. what say you???
I know by now I am probably way off topic as I havent read forward but this struck me funny and I have to tell you this story..
When we lived in Ms. The church hubby attended.. I think some of them ran more than they sat... so we are at prayer meeting one night.. and all 4 of my kids were sitting and talking.. then praying.. well I noticed when they were talking it was an assumed real spiritual talk.. not just sitting and talking so we didnt interrupt. After they began praying.. one of the men in the building was running it was one of those totally hg blowout prayer meetings (I can actually say the running was in order this night) and all the sudden we hear this THUDDDDDDDD!!!
My husband stops praying and I hear half the men take off running but it wasnt in the hg for sure! So I looked back to see what was happening. My middle daughter had started running (this one was not raised anywhere near the church so this was all kind of new to her) and she ran smack into the wall!!!! When we asked her what happened she said well Mom, when I was talking to Zoey about it all she said is... God thinks we need to run with our eyes closed so he knows we are worshipping him!!! ROFL... SO I ran with my eyes closed but I couldnt see the wall!!!!! It was sad but yet we laughed for years over that one!!!!!