Originally Posted by Joseph Miller
All he preaches is feel good sermons. When asked on national TV about issues he won't stand up and call sin sin. That is why I say that he has no backbone.
Also, there is only one truth and he don't preach it.
How many of his services have you ever been in? What you see on TV - (if you have a TV - hmmmmmmmm Interesting all these people that don't have TV and they watch Joel Osteen preaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
is just a small portion of his service and his message. All of it is edited to reach the wider audience to bring hope to the masses.
I gotta go - but before I do - JESUS is the Truth! Not your doctrine or one scripture - you guys OD on
Acts 2:38 and think that is all inclusive of TRUTH! This is material Cults are made out of!
Remember -
JESUS is The Truth - not your theology, ideology, baptismal formula, organization, denomination or anything else.
If it ain't JESUS - it ain't TRUTH!
Joel Osteen and his father John Osteen before him - preach Jesus Christ and they include the name of Jesus in water baptism.