...the policemen asked that they not partake in this activity anymore.
Okay... the policemen saw them doing this on the churchs property and decided to ask about it. No harm in that.
But once you see that nothing illegal is going on then, if one so chooses, they can inform them of the potential dangers this might afford them but he had no business telling them that they needed to stop this activity.
My son and his cousin were playing Ninjas and had their faces blacked out and in dark garb running around playing.
My husband said, "Son, with all the guns people own around Austin you ought not to dress like that. Someone is going to shoot you."
With all the school shootings and threats of terrorism I believe the kids should have gone to someone's house that had property to run around on and not at the church.
Not relevant. Children have no business being out that late loitering in a church parking lot.
That they do these things doesn't make it right.
My teen doesn't stay up half the night and sleep most of the day and neither do the teens of any other parents I know (including several in the church I attend). Again, many communities have laws against loitering. Some communities even have curfews.
Chan, surely you recognize the difference between a group of kids with no connection to a store parking lot, and a group of kids who go to a particular church bing in thier own church parking lot, with older adults in the group?
or in the case in Madison, a group of kids being supervised by adult church members doing some activity sanctioned by the church on the churches property.
and while YOUR kid may have no business being out past 11pm, that does not mean that every parent shares your belief. You dont get to decide what is appropreate for everyone.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
If the kids are out late at night doing it, they should preach against it! The issue isn't the activity, it's the time of night when they were doing it, how the kids were dressed (excuse me, gas masks???) and what the activity looked like when the police drove up.
does this include youth activitive like Lock-ins?
the Madison incident involved Church sponcered activity supervised by youth leaders. the kids apparantly were where their parents knew they were, doing what their parents knew they were doing, with adults their parents knew they were with on PRIVATE PROPERTY their parents (and thus the kids) had access to via their membership with the church.
what is the world is the problem here?
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Chan, surely you recognize the difference between a group of kids with no connection to a store parking lot, and a group of kids who go to a particular church bing in thier own church parking lot, with older adults in the group?
And that would be well within his authority to tell his son that.
Yes, but someone could very well get trigger happy with the youth at that church and then we have a scandal. I just don't think their garb was appropriate for the location.
Yes, but someone could very well get trigger happy with the youth at that church and then we have a scandal. I just don't think their garb was appropriate for the location.
And that would be well within your authority to think those thoughts...
The trigger happy person would be looking at jail time for his trigger happiness.
This is a good post to bounce my next thought off of...
Lets remember a few things from the article.
1. The article is about the city nearing completion of their attempt to outlaw toy guns. Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. The policemen saw the kids in the back of a pickup. We have no idea if they were going to take part in this activity on the church grounds. Since they were in the back of a pickup they may have been fixing to go to the location where this activity generally occurs.
And that would be well within your authority to think those thoughts...
The trigger happy person would be looking at jail time for his trigger happiness.
This is a good post to bounce my next thought off of...
Lets remember a few things from the article.
1. The article is about the city nearing completion of their attempt to outlaw toy guns. Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. The policemen saw the kids in the back of a pickup. We have no idea if they were going to take part in this activity on the church grounds. Since they were in the back of a pickup they may have been fixing to go to the location where this activity generally occurs.
It's against the law to ride in the back of a pick-up in Texas. At least for under a certain age. Can't remember if it's 17 or what.
I see your point on the toy guns being outlawed.
I still think the "church" is not a good place to hold a war game.
Wouldn't that have been something, if a stupid kid shot in the officers direction. I think there would be a dead kid and an obituary to accompany the article.
It's against the law to ride in the back of a pick-up in Texas. At least for under a certain age. Can't remember if it's 17 or what.
I see your point on the toy guns being outlawed.
I still think the "church" is not a good place to hold a war game.
Is it against the law in Wisconsin?
Probably not.
Again.. I doubt seriously that they were going to hold the game at the church and it is not against the law to have bad ideas.
It appears to me that they were piling up at the church to head for the woods where they play this game. Probably someones private property... as if that meant anything these days...