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Old 03-20-2020, 11:36 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
Smear or not. It's the truth. Theses same people who you say agonized are the same ones who were.....well nevermind you must have never been in a UPC church.
I was born and raised in the UPC. I've been in and around the UPC my entire life. My father was a licensed UPC minister for over 60 years before he passed last year.
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Old 03-20-2020, 11:39 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

A Pastor friend posted:
"Churches are not being closed. Buildings are being closed ... the Church just got mobilized!"

It's true.

This is an opportunity. There are things we can do, as JW pointed out with the idea on prayer. People are afraid and we have the hope and the peace they need right now.
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Old 03-20-2020, 11:49 AM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by n david View Post
That is an awesome idea!

I agree that God is in control. Nothing is happening without Him allowing it to happen. There's a reason. There's a purpose. We may not know what it is or see it yet, but my faith, confidence and trust is in God.

Talk about an outreach! How about volunteering to build wooden cabinet like structures where supplies can be left at peoples houses with limited or no contact. Leave em annointed prayer clothes...thats Biblical right?

Get on facebook /craigslist and just reach out to folks and find ways to meet needs.

But no, yall wanna get all concerned over what you can and can't do with a building....

Where your treasure is .. there your heart will be also.

My Bible also says in the very words of Christ that whatsoever you have done to the least you have done it unto Him

Seems to reason that when you fulfil that mandate that is when He is present and involved for sure...so folks there isnt a lack of "church" to be had....just may not involve your money pit of a building project.
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Old 03-20-2020, 12:02 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by jediwill83 View Post
Talk about an outreach! How about volunteering to build wooden cabinet like structures where supplies can be left at peoples houses with limited or no contact. Leave em annointed prayer clothes...thats Biblical right?
Wood cabinets can get pricey and I can pray because I am Spirit filled and don’t see how a prayer cloth isn’t superstitious. The Apostles weren’t handing them out, the people, by their faith, wanted to take something back home with them, because the anointing was so palatable. I wouldn’t practice something the Apostles weren’t practicing.

“GOD did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefsc and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them.” Acts 19:11-12

This is just my opinion, but the miracles were so extraordinary, that the people’s faith was also extraordinary. It was their faith and not the linens. Laying aside all of my Catholic paraphernalia, i.e., crosses, rosary, etc., it would be hard for me to practice this.
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Old 03-20-2020, 12:11 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Wood cabinets can get pricey and I can pray because I am Spirit filled and don’t see how a prayer cloth isn’t superstitious. The Apostles weren’t handing them out, the people, by their faith, wanted to take something back home with them, because the anointing was so palatable. I wouldn’t practice something the Apostles weren’t practicing.

“GOD did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefsc and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them.” Acts 19:11-12

This is just my opinion, but the miracles were so extraordinary, that the people’s faith was also extraordinary. It was their faith and not the linens. Laying aside all of my Catholic paraphernalia, i.e., crosses, rosary, etc., it would be hard for me to practice this.

Hey I totally get where you're coming from. Point being is that there are a lot of different scenarios that arent cookie cutter and God is supposed to dwell within us and we have a lot of untapped creativity we can call upon to make whatever needs to happen, happen.

As far as expense goes, you could whip something up from repurposed wood pallets that folks give away all the time for free on craigslist and Im sure people would donate material if they were aware.

The prayer cloth thing I grew up with and its popular down here *shrugs*
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Old 03-20-2020, 01:34 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
How long are you going to remain in doors? I’m serious. How long are you not walking outside your house? Off your property? Please tell me how many pandemics did we do under Obama? What happened then? Why no hysteria to this magnitude? I have church family who are really going to be blown out by this. Job wise, all cruise ships are in moth balls. Resturants CLOSED. Court building closed. Gyms closed. We went through pandemics before, they might never rebound financially from this QUARANTINE. Going to church? Yelling fire in a theatre? Religious liberty? Jobs! Doe Rae Meee! People are loosing their jingle and you are quoting me Leviticus about how to identify someone with leprosy?
We have had pandemics before, way worse but no loss of jobs. Care to explain?
If this virus had been allowed to ransack the world unchecked, everyone would be screaming at the politicians - off with your heads... but because they have taken strict quarantine measures, then the fear weapon is pulled on us instead. There is no optimum in this situation. Regardless of what the government response is to this virus, people were going to be mad, and conspiracy theorists will abound...

What the church needs to do is realize this could be the hour we have been called here for, and see that we don't spread the fear, but be the witness and the light the world needs in this dark hour.
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Old 03-20-2020, 01:37 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

And if it means meeting in our homes, helping those in need, without jobs, without food... let's do it! Let's find someone to bless, to encourage, and to help. This is not the hour to begin to fuel the fame of fear.

I am currently working on making care packages to deliver to our local nursing homes to the shut-ins. My prayer meeting ladies, and bible study ladies are gathering things, and we will be sending packages, letters, and little handmade journals with scripture verses in them to bless and encourage them. We are writing letters to those who are shut in, can't leave, and discouragement and fear is high.

Let's find SOMETHING we can do to bless others during this time, and quit spreading fear. Let's share the hope of the gospel instead.
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Old 03-20-2020, 01:46 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
And if it means meeting in our homes, helping those in need, without jobs, without food... let's do it! Let's find someone to bless, to encourage, and to help. This is not the hour to begin to fuel the fame of fear.

I am currently working on making care packages to deliver to our local nursing homes to the shut-ins. My prayer meeting ladies, and bible study ladies are gathering things, and we will be sending packages, letters, and little handmade journals with scripture verses in them to bless and encourage them. We are writing letters to those who are shut in, can't leave, and discouragement and fear is high.

Let's find SOMETHING we can do to bless others during this time, and quit spreading fear. Let's share the hope of the gospel instead.
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Old 03-20-2020, 01:47 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord View Post
And if it means meeting in our homes, helping those in need, without jobs, without food... let's do it! Let's find someone to bless, to encourage, and to help. This is not the hour to begin to fuel the fame of fear.

I am currently working on making care packages to deliver to our local nursing homes to the shut-ins. My prayer meeting ladies, and bible study ladies are gathering things, and we will be sending packages, letters, and little handmade journals with scripture verses in them to bless and encourage them. We are writing letters to those who are shut in, can't leave, and discouragement and fear is high.

Let's find SOMETHING we can do to bless others during this time, and quit spreading fear. Let's share the hope of the gospel instead.
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.
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Old 03-20-2020, 04:11 PM
Birddog Birddog is offline
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
We just received orders to close our churches...
So what are you going to do?

How are you going to reach those you reach for?

And Sister A, I am asking in all seriousness.
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