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09-28-2017, 12:34 PM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by Originalist
Afro-American pastor and political commentator Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says that the Dylan Roof shooting was an "overrreaction" on Roof's part concerning the lopsided interracial crime stats, and the fact that even though blacks commit far more violent crimes against whites that whites do against blacks, the media ignores black on white crime. He was not excusing Roof, but simply pointing out that sooner or later someone from the white community was going to snap and lash out.
Honestly, I don't see the media ignoring black-on-white crime.
The whole idea of white-on-black crime has a history ingrained into the American psyche and so when something happens that reminds America of the ugliness of the past, a LOT of people in the general public react strongly.
The general public does not react the same to white-on-white crime, black-on-black crime and black-on-white crime because these types of crimes do not hold the same grip on the collective psyche of America. Without taking into account motive, what makes any of these crimes less worthy of front page newspaper coverage?
These crimes do not remind us of the same things, they do not bring certain issues back to the forefront of our collective minds.
It's not an example of some vast conspiracy. It's human nature.
Here in Cleveland, there have been protests, vigils, and even billboards for a white man who was unjustly killed by the police up here. It is the family and friends of this man that are constantly keeping his untimely death in our minds.
If more white people would do this when they are the victims of police brutality, then maybe more would realize that the entire country has a vested interested in solving the police brutality problem that plagues all communities. The reasons behind police brutality may differ from community to community, but there are relatively few communities not affected by police brutality.
And while the stories of blacks murdering whites in the process of robberies, rapes, and all sorts of heinous crimes, the motives usually reveal that the victims are victim of convenience and circumstance and not because of their race. It happens more often that when the perp is white and the victim is black, there are racial issues that are uncovered.
Another thing about perpetrators of black-on-white crimes... the blacks are usually caught, the jail sentences are usually longer, and the capital offenses are much more likely to end in the execution of black offenders than white offenders.
America is the land of opportunity.
America is also the land of double standards.
Blacks have lived with this reality ever since blacks have been in America.
Still, the answer is NOT to foist unjust double standards within the justice system on whites or anyone else.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 09-28-2017 at 01:02 PM.

09-29-2017, 11:12 AM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
"""Black man who opened fire at a Tennessee church left a note in his car that referenced retaliation for a white supremacist's massacre at a black church in South Carolina - AP"""

09-29-2017, 11:32 AM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by n david
"""Black man who opened fire at a Tennessee church left a note in his car that referenced retaliation for a white supremacist's massacre at a black church in South Carolina - AP"""
That pretty much seals it then.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

09-29-2017, 12:35 PM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by n david
"""Black man who opened fire at a Tennessee church left a note in his car that referenced retaliation for a white supremacist's massacre at a black church in South Carolina - AP"""
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan

09-29-2017, 02:31 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The general public does not react the same to white-on-white crime, black-on-black crime and black-on-white crime because these types of crimes do not hold the same grip on the collective psyche of America.
You're an apologist. No major news coverage of an event and you say its because no general public reaction? lol You've got it backwards. There is no general news coverage in order to stifle a general public reaction.
Of course YOU don't see any conspiracy. That's because the media supports YOUR agenda.
You can't even hear what's coming out of your mouth. You are saying the only IMPORTANT NEWS WORTHY CRIME is when whites attack blacks, the rest is irrelevant. But you can't perceive that's what you are saying.
But plenty of others can.

09-29-2017, 03:09 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Location: Zion aka TEXAS
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
So, will this get round the clock wall-to-wall coverage like Roof? Will this spark a "national debate" on things like BLM, Black Power, black racism, black violence, like Roof did with white racism, confederate flags, and confederate monuments? Will monuments to blackness be removed like confederate monuments were/still are?
Probably not. Because white people dying isn't news worthy. If anything, it's just "karma". Right?
But, let me be the first to say I think both events were staged psyops designed to create certain reactions in certain groups of people. But then again, I'm just a crazy tin foil hatter. Nobody would ever actually DO such things... covert terror ops designed to foster ethnic divisions just never happen. Ever.

09-29-2017, 04:01 PM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by Esaias
You're an apologist. No major news coverage of an event and you say its because no general public reaction? lol You've got it backwards.
Problem is, this is just not true. It just isn't. There are plenty of heinous stories of black-on-white crime that make the NATIONAL news.
This story.
The Kansas City Pastor's wife.
The news reporter in Virginia.
What happened in Knoxville, TN a few years back.
The white couple in Chicago.
What happened in Cleveland less than 2 years ago-- the black man who had kidnapped the white women and kept them in chains in his basement.
These stories were nationally reported and nationally followed.
Originally Posted by Esaias
There is no general news coverage in order to stifle a general public reaction.
Again, a baseless claim. If something doesn't stay in the news, it is because there just isn't enough people in the public clamoring about it and ONCE certain media outlets figured out WHAT SELLS and what doesn't SELL, then they will push what SELLS.
It is not the media's fault that white people suffer an injustice by the police and hardly anyone bats an eye. What you are purposefully not taking into account just how deep America's past is ingrained into our collective psyche.
Originally Posted by Esaias
Of course YOU don't see any conspiracy. That's because the media supports YOUR agenda.
I don't have an agenda. However, some of the people you quote from have HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE AGENDAS grounded in stoking white, racial resentment. I bet if you were to pick up a Final Call from 10 years ago and read it, you will find the racial identity politics they espouse are at the basic level no different from the sources you cite.
Originally Posted by Esaias
You can't even hear what's coming out of your mouth. You are saying the only IMPORTANT NEWS WORTHY CRIME is when whites attack blacks, the rest is irrelevant. But you can't perceive that's what you are saying.
But plenty of others can.
I have never said or even thought any thing like that. For just about all of my life, I have been accused of talking white, acting white, having too many white friends, questioned on my choice of church attendance and GIRLS I have dated, and the music I listen to and... get the idea? I am not the person you are trying to paint me. I am only just trying to express another point of view, and sometimes I am just trying to express the real truth in some of the situations brought up here for discussion. I LOVE ALL RACES OF PEOPLE THE SAME BUT IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT MY CLOSEST FRIENDS IN HIGH SCHOOL, IN THE MARINE CORPS, FOR MOST OF MY TIME IN THE NATIONAL GUARD AND FOR MOST OF THE CHURCHES I HAVE EVER ATTENDED, MY CLOSEST FRIENDS WERE WHITE. It wasn't on purpose, it's just the way things unfolded.
You and a few others on this forum APPEAR TO BE slowly sinking into the abyss of racial identity politics and THE EVIDENCE of this is seen by the people you cite. You cite these bozos who have absolutely no respect beyond their circles because the people beyond their circles know where the ideology of these bozos will take America and hardly anyone wants to ride down that trail again.
Over the last 15 years, I have seen an increase in this notion of the "oppressed white man". It's BUNK! There is NO HISTORY in America that even comes close to supporting this insanity! The push for a greater sense of equality is threatening to some white people and that is unfortunate.
Just like some black people who look for racism under every rock, the adherents to white racial identity politics sometimes over-analyze or sometimes oversimplify an event, a tragedy, a heinous crime, a serious issue IN AN EFFORT to feed on their own bowls of "oppressed white man" porridge.
The oversimplification can be seen even on this thread.
Some want to compare the coverage of the crime in Tennessee to the coverage of the crime in Charleston-- but they also want to leave out key facts like:
In Tennessee, the perpetrator killed one person intentionally, entered the back of the church and sprayed into the congregation indiscriminately.
In Charleston, the perpetrator walked up to and killed each parishioner personally, after sitting through an entire Bible study, after the parishioners offered to personally pray for the perpetrator. In fact, the unarmed parishioners, instead of running from the perpetrator, they tried to use the Love of Christ and maybe common sense to reason with the young man. In cold blood, he decided to kill them anyway.
In Tennessee, the perpetrator didn't say much of anything while he sprayed a church full of congregants and his evil deed was carried out in a chaotic manner-- planned but not well-thought out.
In Charleston, the perpetrator said all sorts of stuff-- leaving no question to his motive.
In Tennessee, one person was pronounced dead at the scene, without mention of the presence of children.
In Charleston, seven or eight people were pronounced dead on the scene and there were children there to witness the carnage. Nine people died in total.
In Tennessee, the perpetrator was detained by a BRAVE, armed usher.
In Charleston, the perpetrator was detained by no one because no one was armed.
In Tennessee, the perpetrator was arrested immediately.
In Charleston, there was a MANHUNT, an INTERSTATE MANHUNT for the murderer-- and it was necessary as the perpetrator was found in another state.
In Tennessee, the perpetrator was taken to the hospital for treatment and then brought to jail.
In Charleston, the perpetrator didn't need hospital treatment, but he needed a breakfast sandwich and orange juice from Burger King... and th epolice gave it to him.
So there are more than a few differences between the cases.
Both crimes were heinous, but (and I hate making this comparison) one event was DECISIVELY more heinous and more brutal than the other.
The lone white lady's life in Tennessee was not less important than the nine in Charleston-- there were just more dead people in Charleston!
America doesn't have a long and protracted history of racial violence of black-on-white and so these crimes do not touch the same nerves as the white-on-black-crimes. It's not because one person's life is more important than the other but it is because the history for these types of events are just not the same.
After Charleston, there were immediate comparisons to the church bombing in Birmingham that killed those little girls in while they attended Sunday School.
Is there a historical marker indelibly printed into the American psyche for us to be reminded of when looking at the Tennessee, heinous crime (an immigrant walking into a church and firing indiscriminately or even a black person walking into a predominantly white church and for racial reasons firing indiscriminately into the congregation)?
The answer to these questions is no. It just isn't there.
Do you understand what I am saying?
Is there a crime problem in America? Yes.
Is there a police brutality problem in America?
Is there a crime problem that is specific to the inner city communities that are heavily populated by American blacks? Yes.
Is the embracing of "black identity racial politics" the answer to these problems?
While some would argue that HISTORICALLY these movements did bring about positive changes to their community (the decrease of gang violence, the idea of policing our own, even the development of the school breakfast program), their line of thinking was not congruent with the American idea that we are all brothers and sisters.
Is the embracing of "white identity racial politics" the answer for these problems?
Well what are the examples, in American History, of these kinds of movements? What did they accomplish? Ultimately, where did they lead our country?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 09-29-2017 at 04:39 PM.

09-29-2017, 04:11 PM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
Originally Posted by Esaias
So, will this get round the clock wall-to-wall coverage like Roof?
Once he was captured and the victims buried (some of whom were high-profile professionals in their local area), the Roof story disappeared and was replaced by a Kardashian story.
Originally Posted by Esaias
Will this spark a "national debate" on things like BLM, Black Power, black racism, black violence,
If someone with credibility and influence would bring it up the right way, you never know...
Originally Posted by Esaias
like Roof did with white racism, confederate flags, and confederate monuments?
Do you realize that the three subjects you brought up here are all very closely related and have been hot-button issues for a LONG time in American politics?
Originally Posted by Esaias
Will monuments to blackness be removed like confederate monuments were/still are?
Ok, so what "monuments to blackness" could you possibly be referring to? Where are they? How numerous are they? What messages did their lives emanate?
Originally Posted by Esaias
Probably not. Because white people dying isn't news worthy. If anything, it's just "karma". Right?
If you were talking about the American Civil War, there are people who would agree with you. In the context of this conversation, your assertions are full of BALONEY!
Originally Posted by Esaias
But, let me be the first to say I think both events were staged psyops designed to create certain reactions in certain groups of people. But then again, I'm just a crazy tin foil hatter. Nobody would ever actually DO such things... covert terror ops designed to foster ethnic divisions just never happen. Ever.
Do you deny Russia's involvement in any of this?
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

09-29-2017, 04:54 PM
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
JD - can you show me a credible study that shows there is a police brutality problem in America?
Can you show me a study that shows the police target and kill black males, as opposed to other races?
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan

09-29-2017, 06:06 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Re: Church shooting in Tennessee
"America doesn't have a long and protracted history of racial violence of black-on-white..."
Uh, riiiight.
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