Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
I think teaching about sexuality is okay, but I don't think speaking about the act of sex should be normalized in a church setting. There are venues where that type of teaching would be appropriate, but I would tread with caution tape, orange highway barrels, and flashing lights to warn the teacher and the students that the subject matter could take a turn down racy lane.
Honestly, this shouldn't be a primary focus of any church. Too much openness in group settings leads to too much openness in private settings.
I can see the benefit of men's meetings or ladies meetings on the issues. But some things shouldn't be broached in mixed company.
There is much truth in the old adage "familiarity breeds contempt". Think about that lingo for a minute. Hopefully it'll sink in.
I know of situations where men opened up in their men's sessions. One of the men goes home and tells his wife what one of the other guys shared about his own probs with porn. Wife tells friend. Friend tells husband and another friend and before you knew it it had been "shared" far and wide.
I think all this "opening up" isn't necessarily the best thing ....... depending.
Goodness gracious! This is the age of enlightenment. There's more talk and knowledge and discussion and movies and books written and open talk and joking about sex than ever before in history probably and still people don't think that there's enough talk about it.
I think we've crossed some lines that would have been better not to have crossed. Nothing is sacred anymore and I think that some things should still be and that not everything needs to be drug out into the open and "shared" and "talked about" because even with this the same problems still exist.
You've got women married less than a year talking about going to the Triple X sex shops so they can get something new and interesting to keep their huband's interest and to keep things exciting, and I'm thinking if they're into that kind of stuff now what are they going to do to keep things interesting 5 or 10 years from now?!
Sorry to be a killjoy here if that's what it seems like. Just my 2 cents worth and now you can all come along and stone me.
I'm here to say that sex can be great 30 years into marriage -- in fact better than at the start -- and that's without some of this junk some of these young couples think they need to make things "good" and "interesting" a year or 2 into their marriage.