You seem to exude it naturally my friend. Oh to excel at Smarmy as you have.........
I do percieve thou hast the gift thyself... heretowith and forewith shalt thou go in to the land of smarmy and be counted as one who is in tune with thy gift...
I do percieve thou hast the gift thyself... heretowith and forewith shalt thou go in to the land of smarmy and be counted as one who is in tune with thy gift...
to thine own smarminess be true..
Now I know how Elisha must have felt when he was brushed by the mantel of Elijah..........
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
Marriage - covenant relationship between God, husband, wife. Since God is involved and has spoken His will in the matter, we'd do well to follow His Word and not be inclined to make exception after exception.
Ministry Organization - I consider my fellowship and membership with the UPC to be a covenant of brotherhood. I have prayerfully signed what I consider to be "agreements" and the statements of affirmation over the course of my several years of licensure. I have determined that it is the best overall organization for me. I pretty much turn my head from the politics and focus on fellowship and the specific work to which God has called us. I have determined that there is a great value to fellowship and accountability and a great danger in independence and isolation. Although I become disheartened from time to time, I will remain with the UPC as long as God allows for me to do so. I have no right to complain if I do not work to affect change. So I work to foster fellowship, brotherhood, unity, etc. I will only leave in the event of one of the following: (1) if after much prayer, God specifically instructs me to leave, (2) if I can not in good faith sign something I am asked to sign, (3) if I determine that the organization ceases to preach the Truth as I understand it and God has revealed to me through His Word, (4) if I feel that the association with the UPC threatens to undermine the work of God in our specific field of labor. If I ever consider leaving, I will immediately look for another covenant of brotherhood.
Local Church - Usually a non-covenant relationship. I have always resisted follow my emotions in reference to leaving a particular church. I have resisted "following my heart or my gut," because the heart is deceitful. So are our emotions. We are to be Spirit-led. In short, I refuse to leave a church until the same voice that led me there leads me elsewhere. Don't run from a church, run to a church or calling. When people get into the habit of running, it's a difficult cycle to break.
Job - sometimes a covenant relationship with conditions to the breaking of the covenant. If this is the case, although the employment is at will, we are obligated to follow any non-compete or trade secret clauses which may have been part of the employment agreement (covenant). If an agreement is signed, it may be in your best interest to stick it out the rough times (unless you are being forced to compromise your integrity). If there is no employment agreement, pray prior to considering leaving. Follow peace.
Beautiful post.
Where there are people, there will always be problems. That makes it even more difficult to make a decision to leave any relationship.
Who knows what problems the next job, relationship, church or organization will have?
I think that Irreconcilable Differences is a symptom. it is what comes after. kind of like pain when one has been injured. Pain isnt the problem, just the after effect.
once you get there, you have a lot of work to do to get away from there, and by then one or both of the players have a long pattern of behavior that they cannot or will not get rid of.
I beleive that both people in a marriage HAVE to work every day to not grow apart. if you are growing in different directions, STOP GROWING THAT DIRECTION! that isnt easy but you better or one day you will wake up and not want to be married to that person.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!